Chairman Reports

Chairman’s Report - May 22, 2015
Why “My Member Doesn’t Talk About the FAIRtax” is Not Necessarily Bad. Read More.
Chairman’s Report - May 15, 2015
Our Next Washington Trip: June 1-June 4—Importance of Democrats Read More.
Chairman’s Report – May 13, 2016
Many of us have explained to a politician about how the FAIRtax will replace the corporate and personal income tax, the payroll tax, the Medicare tax, the estate tax … Read More.
The Chairman’s Report – May 20, 2016
It is interesting that almost everyone that learns about the FAIRtax says, “That makes a lot of sense.” The few people who don’t see the FAIRtax as a huge benefit mostly live in or around D.C.... Read More.
The Chairman’s Report – June 3rd, 2016
It is easy to see which form of tax is more consistent with liberty. The FAIRtax is an indirect tax and requires no personal reporting of our income and how we spend our money to the government. Read More.
The Chairman’s Report – May 27, 2016
It is easy to see which form of tax is more consistent with liberty. The FAIRtax is an indirect tax and requires no personal reporting of our income and how we spend our money to the government. Read More.
Chairman’s Report – May 6, 2016
Now that Senator Cruz and Governor Kasich have suspended their campaigns, Donald Trump is the “presumptive” Republican nominee for President. A key question is if a President Trump … Read More.
Chairman’s Report – April 22, 2016
The income tax code contains both credits and deductions. An example of a tax credit is the Child Tax Credit that allows a $1,000 credit for children under age 17 … Read More.
Chairman’s Report – April 29, 2016
A nation’s tax that is border adjustable is one that taxes imports and domestic goods the same way but does not tax the nation’s exports. This is a subsidy from the nation to make its exports more competitive. Read More.
Chairman’s Report – April 1, 2016
Many times we have explained the FAIRtax to someone and received the reply, “A great idea but it will never happen.” Of course, throughout history there are … Read More.
Chairman’s Report – April 8, 2016
The word “philanthropy” derives from the ancient Greek word “philanthropia”, meaning “to love people.” Since the founding of the United States, there have … Read More.
Chairman’s Report – January 29, 2016
For those of us who have been working for many years to get real tax reform, it is very frustrating to see the D.C. politicians express their agreement with real tax reform. Read More.
Chairman’s Report – March 18, 2016
Yesterday was St. Patrick’s Day. St. Patrick was actually born in Britain and first came to Ireland when he was captured by Irish pirates and brought to Ireland as a slave. At the time, Ireland was a land of Druids and believers of … Read More.
Chairman’s Report – February 19, 2016
This week we celebrate the birthdays of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. Considered by many historians to be our two greatest presidents, they came from vastly different backgrounds. Read More.
Chairman’s Report – March 11, 2016
Dave Barry is a popular author best known for his ability to expose myths with humor. Barry posed the question, “I understand that Congress is considering a so-called ‘flat’ tax system. How would this work? Read More.

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