Chairman Reports

Chairman’s Report - May 11, 2018
People in the real estate industry have long championed the Mortgage Interest Deduction (MID). The MID allows a taxpayer to reduce the amount of income subject to the federal income tax by the amount paid in interest on their home mortgage… Read More.
Chairman’s Report - March 8, 2019
We know Social Security is in serious trouble if nothing is done. What’s the best course of action? Read on. Read More.
Chairman’s Report - March 29, 2019
Income taxes harming American churches? It almost happened. Here’s how we can prevent it from ever happening again. Read on. Read More.
Chairman’s Report - June 1, 2018
Russell Long served as a U.S. Senator from 1948 until 1987 and was chairman of the Senate Finance Committee for fifteen years from 1966 to 1981. During a meeting at his Washington, D.C. office in the early 1990’s, the Senator related that during his time on the Senate Finance Committee, there was always a constant stream of lobbyists explaining why they were in favor of tax reform as long as it did not affect their client’s particular tax benefit… Read More.
Chairman’s Report - December 7, 2018
FAIRtax will reduce tax evasion. Read on for insights from a tax professional on why that’s important. Read More.
Chairman’s Report - December 15, 2017
In the 1990’s when I met with Bob Packwood, the Senator from Oregon who was the Senate Finance Committee Chairman in 1986, he told me a story about a request he made to the Senate Judiciary staff in 1986 during the weeks leading up to the passage of the 1986 Tax Reform bill. Packwood said one night he was very tired and some Senators were demanding that changes be made that would produce more income and lower the deficit from the tax cuts. Read More.
Chairman’s Report - December 8, 2017
In a recent article entitled, Analysis: More than 6,000 lobbyists have worked on taxes in 2017 by Megan Wilson, she clearly illustrates why the Swamp loves to play with the income tax system and is deathly afraid of the FAIRtax… Read More.
IRS doesn’t tell 1 million taxpayers that illegal immigrants stole their Social Security numbers
Victims’ numbers are stolen by illegal immigrants who need to give employers a valid Social Security number in order to get a job. Read More.
Chairman’s Report - December 11, 2015
Why Don’t The Big Corporations Endorse the FAIRtax? Read More.
Chairman’s Report - December 4, 2015
Tax Reform Momentum Is Growing Read More.
Chairman’s Report - November 6, 2015
Tax Proposals Point Out The Fear Of Telling The People The Truth Read More.

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