Make a Difference
You Can Make A Difference
When people hear the word “give,” they immediately think of financial contributions. Although passing initiatives such as The FAIRtax does cost money, the other key element needed for success is an active grassroots organization. Throwing money at tax reform won’t pass The FAIRtax – impassioned supporters will!
Ways to give your time:
When people hear the word “give,” they immediately think of financial contributions. Although passing initiatives such as The FAIRtax does cost money, the other key element needed for success is an active grassroots organization. Throwing money at tax reform won’t pass The FAIRtax – impassioned supporters will!
Ways to give your time:
- Move your district by contacting your Representative with these tips
- Write letters to your elected officials and local newspapers
- Professionals can use networking skills to form business coalitions and seeking the support of your industry affiliations
- Set up a FairTax table at events like a county or street fair, art festival, sporting event or anywhere there are crowds of people
- Plan a meeting to educate friends, family, coworkers or neighbors with the materials here
- Speak to local groups like business organizations, Rotary Clubs, Chambers of Commerce, and civic clubs
- Be creative, and contact us to let us know how you can help achieve the goal of passing the FairTax and repealing the 16th Amendment!
Help FAIRtax Become The Number One Issue in 2024
Enacting the FAIRtax must be a prominent topic in these times. We did it before, we can do it again, but we need your help!