Chairman’s Report - March 15, 2019

  • by:
  • Source: FAIRtax
  • 04/09/2021



For many of us, St. Patrick’s Day is associated with people wearing green, shamrocks, green beer and an excuse to meet our friends and have fun.  However, few of the people celebrating his day really know about the man known as St. Patrick.  An article written by Ron Cassie that appeared in the Baltimore Magazine sets out some of the facts about him:

  • St. Patrick did not banish the snakes from Ireland. After the last Ice Age, snakes never returned to the Emerald Isle.
  • There is no proof that Patrick used the three-leaf shamrock to impart the doctrine of the Trinity to the 5th-century pagan Irish.
  • He was born Maewyn Succat in Scotland or Wales and his family moved to England.
  • When he was 16, he was captured by raiders and sold into slavery in Ireland.
  • He was a slave for six years and escaped back to England where his family was living.
  • Several decades later, around 433 A.D., he returned to Ireland and worked for 30 years to convert the Irish to the Catholic faith, often putting his life at risk.
  • Even though the papacy did not condemn slavery until the end of the 19th century,  Patrick was an outspoken critic of slavery even though it put his life in great danger.
  • Around the time he died on March 17, 461, Irish slave trading was ended and not resumed.
  • He was never canonized by a Pope but acquired the title “Saint” because of his deeds. 

Even though Ireland didn’t actually have snakes that crawled on the ground when St. Patrick arrived, some believe that the “snakes” he drove from Ireland were the Druids and Pagans who the Catholic Church considered evil.  By converting the Irish to Christians, St. Patrick minimized the influence of the Druids and their ability to control the Irish citizens. 
Although President Trump’s ancestors were from Germany and Scotland and he never lived in Ireland, he has come to Washington, D.C. was immediately confronted with the modern equivalent of the Druids—the inhabitants of the Swamp.  Like the Druids, the Swamp inhabitants try to weave a spell as to why they are the ones who know what is best for the rest of us and we should not question their directions but follow them explicitly.
Like the Druids, the Swamp inhabitants have become very convinced that nothing is more important than the perpetuation of their power.  They have decided that the way to evaluate any position is to first find out if it benefits them and their friends in Congress.  If it does, then they will use all of their powers of persuasion, money and even warnings (threats) to advance the position—even if it does not benefit everyone else.
Like the Druids, the Swamp inhabitants fear any change that will expose their real purpose of controlling things for only their benefit.  They celebrate the discord between the parties because that means that more people on all sides will seek their “guidance” and pay them enormous amounts of money.  It will also keep the “little people” who are not part of the Swamp or their friends distracted so no one will see through the noise and what is really happening.
To quote Obi-Wan Kenobi, “I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.”  There are not millions of Swamp inhabitants but there has been a disturbance in the Force. 
First, there was the impossible election of President Trump.  All of the “Swamp Friendly” candidates were pushed aside by this upstart who owed none of his success to the Swamp.  This was frightening and they ensured that he was quickly “educated” that the only way to operate in D.C. was to play by their rules. 
Even though his party had a majority in both houses, he barely got a tax reform proposal passed and they refused to allow him to deal with immigration or to fund his wall.  In short, they believe that they will be much better served if the “upstart” is either forced out of office or not re-elected.
Another disturbing problem for Swamp inhabitants is the election of all of the young radicals like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.  These young people don’t understand how things should be done and have no respect for anyone that doesn’t agree with them.
The Swamp inhabitants will use the fear of radical change engendered by AOC’s group to secure large fees.  They don’t mind when someone scares people and causes a flood of money to their coffers, but they are concerned that Members like AOC may actually mean to make these changes and not be willing to be advised by the Swamp inhabitants.

The Swamp inhabitants don’t like real change.  They have a good thing going and don’t want to see that change.
If you went to D.C. and labored as a Congressional staffer until you could get a well-paying job as a full-time member of the Swamp, these developments are unsettling.  It isn’t hard to understand.  If suddenly all of the work done by lawyers was in real threat of being eliminated, I, as a lawyer, would be worried.  What else could I do to produce income for my family?
Most people might say to the long-time Congressional staffer who wants to trade his time making the laws harder to understand for a high-paying position and the lawyers who were put out of work, good riddance.  However, it does explain why many lobbyists are so indignant when someone asks how they sleep at night.  They have put up screens that shelter them from seeing that the only people who benefit from their activities are them and their friends.
In truth, the ex-staffers and lobbyists can probably get real and productive jobs just as could the displaced lawyers.  They just don’t want to do it.
President Trump, please drain the Swamp and be like St. Patrick and drive the snakes (Swamp Inhabitants) out of D.C.   The best way to start?  Pass the FairTax.  It will remove a huge amount of money from the hands of lobbyists and be better for the rest of us. 
Isn’t it time to take back control from D.C.?
President Trump, “Embrace the FAIRtax and real tax reform!  What have you got to lose?”
It is time to
The truth is the truth.  Remember, if we don't continue to tell the truth and demand a change, then this quote from George Orwell's 1984 may foretell our children's future:

“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—forever.”


Call up the local or D.C. offices of your House Member and two Senators and you can use the following script:
  • I am sure that Representative ____ or Senator ____ is in favor of everyone obeying the income tax laws.
  • After they assure you that their boss is not in favor of anyone breaking the law, ask if they are aware of the Cebula study showing $9 trillion of evaded income/payroll taxes over the next ten years.
  • Since most will say they don’t believe their boss has seen the study, either drop off a copy or get an email address and send a copy to them for their boss.
  • Say you are going to call back in a week and ask what the Representative or Senator is going to do to stop this evasion.
  • In a week, call back and ask specifically what the Representative or Senator is going to do to enforce the law.
  • They probably will say their boss believes that simplifying the income tax will handle the problem.
  • Explain that when people evade income taxes, they are also evading the 15.3% payroll/Medicare tax and state income tax.  So it is unlikely that they are going to pay 30% or 40% when they were paying 0% because they have already decided it is okay to cheat.
  • Say that the only way to reduce evasion is to increase by tens or hundreds of thousands the number of comprehensive IRS audits done each year.
  • Point out that Evaders do not self-identify by putting an “E” on their income tax return.
  • 80% of the people likely to be audited are trying to comply, but they will be forced to endure these IRS audits as well.
  • Ask if the Member is in favor of this?
  • If they say no, then ask again how the Member proposes to stop people breaking the income tax laws.
  • Then explain that the way to handle evasion without unleashing the IRS audits is the FAIRtax.  

If you can see your Member or attend a town hall and ask these questions, you can be even more effective.


#151 Hey, IRS, Read the Bill of Rights!
Does it seem like the people in the IRS operate in a different reality in which there is no Constitution and no Bill of Rights?  To the many victims of IRS abuse, this is an awful reality.  The IRS is judge, jury and executioner when it comes to enforcing the income tax.  And even if you are 100% innocent it may cost you plenty to prove it.
In this week’s episode, The FAIRtax Guys look at the Bill of Rights to find which Amendments the IRS violates and does so with impunity. 
It’s been almost a decade since the IRS stonewalled certain organizations which were applying for tax exempt status.  A number of the first ten amendments were violated during that process for which the IRS recently was forced to pay a series of fines. 
If you care about living under a tyrannical tax system, pay attention to this episode.  Listen to find out just how bad it is and what is the solution to this problem.
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Remember, FTPR digital TV every Wednesday at 11:30 AM (ET) followed by the podcast on Friday morning.  Please watch, listen, and tell everyone you know about the FAIRtax Power Radio.  The FAIRtax: Once You Understand It, You’ll Demand It!
For someone not familiar with the FAIRtax, America’s Big Solution provides a starting point in their study the FAIRtax and is meant for people of any age.  And you can download it to your tablet or smartphone right now.  It’s also available in print form.  See below.
Do you know someone who would like an introduction to the FAIRtax and would prefer to read about it in a booklet rather than search online for Tweets, Posts and Shares?  If so, America’s Big Solution is their best choice.
America’s Big Solution is an introduction to the FAIRtax written by Terry Tibbetts, author of A Spartan Game: The Life and Loss of Don Holleder, with help from Ron Maiellaro, President of the Florida FAIRtax Educational Association.  
You can buy an electronic version of ABS as follows:  AMERICA’S BIG SOLUTION is available for only $2.99 for the Amazon Kindle (, the Barnes & Noble Nook ( and Apple iOS (  
You can purchase a print copy at the same Amazon link above for $9.25.  Regardless of whether you choose the electronic format or the print format, you’ll find AMERICA’S BIG SOLUTION will give someone the boost they need to begin their study of the FAIRtax and the suggested resources to learn more. Buy AMERICA’S BIG SOLUTION now!
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Enacting the FAIRtax must be a prominent topic in these times. We did it before, we can do it again, but we need your help!

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Americans for Fair Taxation® is a 501(c)(4) non-profit, non-partisan grassroots organization solely dedicated to replacing the current income tax system with a fair, simple and transparent national consumption tax – the FAIRtax® Plan. We rely entirely on contributions from concerned citizens like you who want a tax system that will generate jobs and stimulate the economy. Welcome to the FAIRtax team!

