Kansas Shows Us How To Have An Event
August 17th, this past Monday night, we saw a standing room only audience of over 300 people at the Olante, Kansas community center. They came to listen to Senator Jerry Moran, Kansas state representative John Rubin who has a Kansas FAIRtax bill he introduced, Kansas FAIRtax board member Earl Long and me talk about tax reform and the FAIRtax in particular.
This event was closely coordinated by Senator Moran’s office and the Kansas FAIRtax organization. The Kansas FAIRtaxers have prepared a report on how they organized this very successful event and the results that they obtained. We will be sending this report as a special email and you can read about their event and how to successfully have one in your state.
We Listen Better During Election Years
This statement was made to me by a U.S. House Member after I thanked him for making time to meet with me. Although said with a laugh, it is true that election years sure tend to improve the hearing of our Members of Congress.
They may be treated as royalty in D.C., but they all have to run for reelection. They also know that they can use their name recognition and easy access to donations from people wanting access to them to ensure their reelection in the November election.
However, most of the candidates will have opponents in their party’s primary election. They have to be nominated before they can reach the general election. And this worries them. On average, only 40,000 people vote in the Democratic and Republican primaries. This means that the winner only has to get 20,001 votes.
With the growing dislike of Congress, there are at least 30% of the people voting against the incumbent if there is any credible opponent. If the opponent is good, this percentage will go up. This means that in some campaigns a change of 4001 votes can spell defeat for the incumbent, and they really understand this. They are concerned that a dedicated group like our FAIRtax supporters will influence enough votes to give the victory to their opponent.
This is why we have an even better opportunity to get meetings with our Members in Congress who are running for reelection next year. When we see them and explain that a number of their constituents are interested in their position on the FAIRtax, we will get a chance to educate them.
We will also have the opportunity to encourage them to have tax reform forums. They are all going to want to show their constituents that they are looking out for them. If they wonder about the value of doing such a forum, we can refer them to Senator Moran’s office. They will tell them how successful the forum was for the Senator.
1040 Club
As I said last week, Americans For Fair Taxation is unique because it is controlled by delegates elected by the individual states. It is not controlled by a few wealthy people but is truly democratic. It also does not raise money, like many other “grassroots” organizations, that is primarily used to fund salaries and travel, but to cover basic legal organization requirements and promote the FAIRtax.
Each week more people are joining the 1040 Club. We thank each of you because you are helping build a financial base that will allow AFFT to be a factor in the critical months where the direction of tax reform is going to be decided.
If you are not a member of the 1040 Club, or if you are a member but want to join for someone else, please go to this link and sign up.
AFFT National LOGO Store and Scrolling Signs
Going into the primary system, it is even more important that all of us have FAIRtax signs that we can bring to political rallies. Many venues will not allow us to bring signs attached to metal or wood holders. That is why Rudy Treml designed and had printed the scrolling FAIRtax signs. Visit our National Store at www.fairtaxlogostore.org and purchase some Personal FAIRtax℠ Scrolling Handheld Event signs.
It is a handheld scrolling event sign printed in color on both sides with our new logo. When folded up, this banner is only 2” x 9” but opens up to a 27” x 9” presentation
which self-retracts. It is ideal for all political events and easily fits in a pocket, jacket or purse when not in use. To see a picture of this banner please click here.
FAIRtax Power Radio
FAIRtax Power Radio is the “on demand” show that plays when YOU want to listen. Using your computer or smart phone, you can “watch” FAIRtax Power Radio by going to “The FAIRtax Guys” channel on YouTube. There are over a dozen episodes plus an introduction by The FAIRtax Guys. For audio only, another source for FTPR is SoundCloud.com; again search for “The FAIRtax Guys” to find the channel on www.soundcloud.com. Both YouTube and SoundCloud have free apps for smart phones so you can listen whenever and wherever you wish. Each episode is a half hour long.
Thank You For Opening The FAIRtax Chronicles, Our Sponsored Mailings
We plan to do several of these mailings each month. If you take a minute to open the sponsored emails and click through to the website, you are making an in kind contribution to AFFT. It is not required to actually make a purchase, but your minute of time will ensure that AFFT is paid ever larger amounts for us to send their offers to our supporters.
Again, we are making every effort to ensure that we work with only reputable companies. If you feel that any FAIRtax-sponsored email is objectionable, please email us at info@fairtax.org and tell us why. You can also opt to not receive these sponsored email messages but still receive FAIRtax emails.
Thank you for staying FairTax strong!