Grassroots Corner

Grassroots Corner - January 31, 2020
Grassroots Corner - 1/31/20: Making The FAIRtax Stick – Part 1 - “Why Some Ideas Take Hold, and Others Come Unstuck” could help make The FAIRtax message “sticky”. Read More.
Grassroots Corner - January 24, 2020
Grassroots Corner - 1/24/20: Why Citizenship Based Taxation Needs to be Abolished - Taxing Americans living abroad conflicts with The Bill Of Rights. With respect to other countries, those who have implemented worldwide taxation previously have eliminated it. Read More.
Grassroots Corner - January 17, 2020
Grassroots Corner - 1/17/20: Meet Marty Sturmer: Our California State Director Marty Sturmer, was elected to the Board Of Directors of FAIRtax (Americans for Fair Taxation) at its June 4, 2019 telephone conference. Read More.
Grassroots Corner - January 10, 2020
Grassroots Corner - 1/10/20: Our Pledge To Posterity - It’s a privilege for me to be part of a movement which can help make a better world for my Grandson. This New Year 2020, I resolve to do a better job growing The FAIRtax Grassroots. If each of us does his or her part for The FAIRtax, we can look our children and grandchildren in the eye and tell them we did something to leave their world just a little better than we found it. Read More.
Grassroots Corner - December 20, 2019
Grassroots Corner - 12/20/19: The Big Break Is Finally Coming - Alabama is poised to become the 1st state in the Union to implement a state-level FAIRtax. States with a state-level FAIRtax will have an advantage because they are creating an environment to support our efforts to achieve our GOD endowed potential. Read More.
Grassroots Corner - December 13, 2019
Grassroots Corner - 12/13/19: Are You Ready To Network? Have you ever been all dressed up to network for The FAIRtax but had nowhere to go? Here’s an idea: Check out your local Chamber of Commerce! Read More.
Grassroots Corner - December 6, 2019
Grassroots Corner - 12/6/19: What One State Group Does Well - Our California Team, for a long time, has been visiting university campuses around the Bay Area and engaging students. Read More.
Grassroots Corner - November 29, 2019
Grassroots Corner - 11/29/19: The FAIRtax Re-Empowers you once again to decide for yourself when and how much taxes you pay. Read More.
Grassroots Corner - November 22, 2019
Grassroots Corner - 11/22/19: Orange Park, Florida Annual Fall Festival - Manny and Volunteers Red Martin, Kathleen Perera and Paul Livingston had a record success of Read More.
Grassroots Corner - November 15, 2019
Grassroots Corner - 11/15/19: More Progress In Iowa “Wow! I had a GREAT 20-minute meeting with Steffanie Bezruki, Rep. Finkenauer’s Legislative Director. I did NOT Read More.
Grassroots Corner - November 8, 2019
Grassroots Corner - 11/8/19: Meet Volunteer Ron Babin from Michigan. Read More.
Grassroots Corner - November 1, 2019
Grassroots Corner - 11/1/19: The Democratic Presidential Candidates are dropping in proposals to make themselves stand out from the pack and these proposals can present opportunities for us to promote The FAIRtax. Read More.
Grassroots Corner - October 25, 2019
Grassroots Corner - 10/25/19: Trump-A-Paloosa! at The Riverside Arts Market Read More.
Grassroots Corner - October 18, 2019
Have Your Heard From These People? We are looking to contact several FAIRtaxers, do you know them? Read More.
Grassroots Corner - October 11, 2019
Where is this political fundraising event taking place? At an undisclosed location in New Jersey. Why the big secret? Read More.

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