
Wichita Forum on U.S. Tax Reform
The need for a leaner and fairer tax code has never been greater. Read More.
Moran, Jenkins pushing for plan to go to consumption taxes
Sen. Jerry Moran said he thinks now is the best opportunity conservatives have ever had to abolish income taxes in favor of funding government with sales taxes because of an IRS political scandal and data security breaches at the agency. Read More.
Moran, Jenkins pushing for plan to go to consumption taxes
Sen. Jerry Moran said he thinks now is the best opportunity conservatives have ever had to abolish income taxes in favor of funding government with sales taxes because of an IRS political scandal and data security breaches at the agency. Read More.
IRS Hires $1,000-An-Hour Lawyers And It Might Have Violated Federal Law
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is paying a Washington law firm $1,000 an hour in taxpayer money to perform a corporate audit, despite its claim of being severely underfunded. Read More.
Republican Women discuss FAIRtax legislation
The Republican Women of Otero County hosted their monthly luncheon meeting Wednesday. Read More.
How To Measure The Effects of the FAIRtax on ​Different I​ncome Brackets​
Beauty is not the only thing that is in the eyes of the beholder. Read More.
IRS Employee Steals $326,000 By Using Taxpayer’s Identities
An IRS employee who worked in the agency’s St. Louis, MO., office pled guilty this week to charges of tax fraud. Read More.
IRS Drops Civil Forfeiture Case
The Internal Revenue Service and the Justice Department have decided to dismiss a case against a North Carolina small business owner from whom they had seized $107,000 in a controversial practice known as civil asset forfeiture. Read More.
Governor Brownback focused on consumption taxes to fix budget
Brownback said Wednesday that he’s pushing legislators to increase consumption taxes such as the state’s sales tax to fix the budget. Read More.
Corruption from the IRS to the DoJ
The legal positions asserted by the IRS are ludicrous. Read More.
IRS Is Sued For Investigating Churches
Church and state are supposed to be separate, so how come the IRS gets to decide what is religious and what is not? Read More.
Huckabee: I’ll Push FAIRtax
“As president, I’ll work to pass the Fair Tax, which would no longer penalize people’s work, their savings, their investments, or their good stewardship,” - See more at: Read More.
They Want Our Name!
It is often said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. That is, unless that imitation runs afoul with federal trademark law. Read More.
We Will Not Yield to the Force of Opposition
Congress has had 100 years to “repair” the IRS and the income tax code and they have failed on all counts. Read More.
You Called Them Out!
By now, most FairTaxers know exciting things are on the horizon for 2014 as the FairTax continues its historic advance into Washington’s legislative process. Read More.