
Understanding the Fair Tax’s impact
The long-simmering war between Republicans in Congress and the Internal Revenue Service is escalating, with the news that the House Judiciary Committee will hold hearings that could lead to the impeachment of IRS Director John Koskinen. Read More.
House GOP Plans Another Attack Against IRS Commissioner John Koskinen
House Republicans are deploying another attack in their continuing case against Internal Revenue Service Commissioner John Koskinen: Formal censure. Read More.
Fair Tax would help all income groups
After reading the letter “Fair Tax Act would be anything but,” it’s abundantly clear that the writer has little knowledge of what the Fair Tax is and how it actually works. Read More.
US representative candidates back a Fair Tax proposal
The candidates for District 8 U.S. representative enthusiastically support a national sales tax, commonly known as the Fair Tax. Read More.
IRS Finds ‘Get Transcript’ Data Breach Was More Widespread
The Internal Revenue Service said Friday that an investigation into last year’s data breach in the online Get Transcript application revealed it affected hundreds of thousands more taxpayers than originally believed. Read More.
Sixth Circuit loses patience with the IRS
Nearly 1,050 days since the start of the IRS scandal triggered by allegations that the IRS unlawfully and unethically targeted tea party and other conservative organizations for special scrutiny Read More.
Explaining the ‘Fair Tax’
Since politicians are discussing their plans for tax reform, this is a good time to mention one of the possibilities. Read More.
Small businesses still fighting for cash seized by IRS
A tale involving a Maryland dairy farmer and North Carolina convenience store owner Read More.
Some Americans Would Prefer an IRS Tattoo to Paying Taxes: Survey
As tax season ramps up, a new survey shows that some Americans would rather scrub the toilets at Chipotle than hand over a portion of their salary to the Internal Revenue Service. Read More.
It’s Past Time To End The IRS’ Reign Of Terror
Corruption: A federal court has harshly judged the IRS for harassing conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status. We hope this brings far more trouble … Read More.
Appeals Court Slaps Down IRS in NorCal Tea Party Case
The NorCal Tea Party Patriots won another round Tuesday in their long legal battle against the IRS, which had targeted hundreds of Tea Party and conservative groups applying for tax-exempt status before the 2012 elections. Read More.
Republican Members Present Proposals for Fundamental Tax Reform
On March 22nd, Members of the Tax Policy Subcommittee, led by Rep. Charles Boustany (R-LA), held the first in a series of hearings on how policymakers should fundamentally reform … Read More.
Don’t Book That Caribbean Vacation If You Owe The IRS…
The FAST Act, enacted on December 5, 2015, allows the IRS, for the first time, to share information with the State Department. Read More.
Sixth Circuit Looking To Protect Taxpayers From IRS Not IRS From Taxpayers
Day 1049 of the IRS Scandal is the first day in a while with a real development. In the NorCal Tea Party Patriots litigation the IRS has really gotten slapped around by the Sixth Circuit for its dilatory conduct … Read More.
IRS Adds 700 Ways To Audit, So Don’t Delete Emails Or Wipe Hard Drives
IRS is adding 700 audit and enforcement personnel to increase your chances of a tax audit. Some Republicans say this hiring news means the endless budget requests from IRS Commissioner … Read More.

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