
Support urged for the Fair Tax Act
Whenever I see an article about corporations not paying their “fair share” of taxes or that the U.S. has the highest corporate tax rate in the world, I always wonder why it is never pointed out … Read More.
Positive effect of FairTax® on jobs, trade and government spending
Although the FairTax® — H.R.25/ S.155 — is a national consumption tax on new goods and services and government spending and will eliminate all federal taxes on income and investment … Read More.
Members Of Congress Push To Shut Down IRS Forever
Shut down the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). That’s the recommendation from the Republican Study Committee (RSC) to House Republicans. The proposal to shutter the IRS, together with … Read More.
Top Republican to IRS: You say you’re broke. How can you afford 700 new employees?
The chairman of a powerful House committee is demanding to know how IRS chief John Koskinen has found the money to hire up to 700 enforcement staffers when he told … Read More.
IRS Reports an Increase in the Tax Gap
Whenever I see an article about corporations not paying their “fair share” of taxes or that the U.S. has the highest corporate tax rate in the world, I always wonder why it is never pointed out … Read More.
IRS to hire hundreds of new enforcement employees
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is going to hire between 600 and 700 new employees focused on tax enforcement, the agency’s head announced. The addition will be the agency’s first significant … Read More.
The ‘Best Alternative’ to Tax Day
Over the past five years I have received countless letters from constituents expressing a general distaste for the Internal Revenue Service. And let me tell you, I share in the frustration. Read More.
Inside Republicans’ backup plan to punish the IRS chief
Folks rightfully dislike taxation without representation, but right now taxation with representation is being hamstrung. I hear time and time again from people across the Ozarks that … Read More.
Nebraska FAIRtax Leader Meets with Heidi Cruz
I received a phone call Sunday evening that Heidi Cruz was coming to Lincoln, Tuesday, April 26th. So I made preparation by calling some friends to inform them of her coming. Read More.
NUGENT: I’d really prefer to just get rid of the IRS
Over the past five years I have received countless letters from constituents expressing a general distaste for the Internal Revenue Service. And let me tell you, I share in the frustration. Read More.
Congress demands end to IRS incompetence, taxpayer neglect
Folks rightfully dislike taxation without representation, but right now taxation with representation is being hamstrung. I hear time and time again from people across the Ozarks that … Read More.
WOODALL: The best alternative to Tax Day
On April 14 — the eve of “Tax Day” — Senator Jerry Moran issued a strong case against the Internal Revenue Service and in favor of the FairTax. After the IRS requested an additional $530 million … Read More.
Editorial: Kansas Senator Presents Case Against IRS
On April 14 — the eve of “Tax Day” — Senator Jerry Moran issued a strong case against the Internal Revenue Service and in favor of the FairTax. After the IRS requested an additional $530 million … Read More.
Rep. Billy Long: We need the Fair Tax
Earlier this month, President Obama tallied what some are calling a “major victory” when the U.S. Treasury announced new rule proposals, which resulted in the termination of U.S. drug maker … Read More.
MANESS: Pass The Fair Tax And Blow Up The Tax Code
With tax day officially upon us, it is a perfect time to point out that one of the biggest problems in our federal government and with our economy is the convoluted and corrupt income tax … Read More.

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