
Tax Evasion In The United States
The simple fact is that evading the FAIRtax will be very difficult. Read More.
D.C. Report: The Fair Tax Act — 21st Century Tax Reform that makes sense!
We continue to build upon the hard work of our FAIRtax activists around the country. Read More.
How To Create A Fairer Tax Environment
Can lawmakers who don’t have the courage or intelligence to outlaw texting while driving really be expected to create a saner tax structure? Read More.
The Fair Tax: A Transparent, Efficient and Uncomplicated Tax System
The simple fact is that evading the FAIRtax will be very difficult. Read More.
Keeping Uncle Sam Out
The Fair Tax is the single best option for real tax reform and one of the most widely co-sponsored pieces of legislation in Congress. Read More.
A Silver Lining
Most of us will agree that if the reforms discussed could be made, they would certainly be better than the present system. Read More.
Would Thomas Jefferson Think We Are Free?
What if Jefferson were to revisit America today? Read More.
Saying Goodbye to the IRS
I want to either abolish or completely restructure the IRS and replace our complicated federal income tax system with a flat national sales tax. I’m an original cosponsor of a bill that does this: the FAIRtax Act. Read More.
America’s Big Solution
The simple fact is that evading the FAIRtax will be very difficult. Read More.
Lawmakers: Time to impeach IRS chief
Two Republican lawmakers argued in a Wednesday op-ed that it’s time to impeach IRS Commissioner John Koskinen. Read More.
IRS chief John Koskinen says he’s never spoken to Lois Lerner
IRS Commissioner John Koskinen has declined to testify in his own defense at a congressional hearing Tuesday Read More.
Big development for bakery after IRS seized its cash
‘We just want the government to leave us alone’ Read More.
Watchdog: IRS, union agreement violates records law
The IRS and Commissioner John Koskinen have been under intense fire from legislator in recent months, culminating with calls to censure and impeach the commissioner and a lawsuit claiming the agency illegally deleted texts and failed to save internal messages. Read More.
IRS sued over erased instant messages
A watchdog group sued the IRS on Monday, accusing the agency of failing to store instant messages as part of its official records, and demanding a federal judge step in and order the agency to comply with the Federal Records Act. Read More.
Koskinen will skip IRS impeachment hearing
IRS Commissioner John Koskinen will not appear Tuesday at a “misconduct” hearing at which Republicans will lay out a case to impeach him for allegedly failing to comply with a congressional subpoena. Read More.

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