
Obama plan to stop tax inversions stirs U.S. business concerns
The plan to prevent American companies from shifting their headquarters overseas to avoid U.S. taxes is costly and cumbersome. Read More.
Freedom Caucus goes all-in on IRS impeachment
The move is the right’s most outward act of defiance against Paul Ryan since he became speaker. Read More.
Fired IRS Employees Don’t Always Have Access Revoked
The Internal Revenue Service can’t always be sure that former employees’ access to systems and buildings has been revoked, according to a recent report. Read More.
The Small-Business Appeal of the Libertarian Party
Gary Johnson won only 1% of the vote when he ran as the Libertarian candidate for president in 2012. Read More.
Congressman Wants to Give IRS Chief $0 Salary
The Congressman introduced an amendment this week to the Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act, 2017 which would remove IRS commissioner John Koskinen from office by taking his salary down to $0. Read More.
IRS Waging New Audit Campaigns Against Business Taxpayers
The Internal Revenue Service is drawing up plans to wage issue focused “campaigns” against taxpayers. Read More.
Look to Lois Lerner for Clues to the Fate of John Koskinen
Whatever IRS official Lois Lerner may have done in regard to targeting conservative groups for extra scrutiny in the 2012 election cycle, she did set one example that Internal Revenue Service Commissioner John Koskinen hopes to emulate. Read More.
Crane, FAIRtax steal the show at Fayette GOP forum
“I love the fair tax as an idea,” Crane said. “They just tax consumption.” Read More.
Lawmakers ask: Did the framers lay the groundwork for the IRS chief’s impeachment?
IRS Commissioner John Koskinen has been the target of House Republicans for three years. Read More.
Gary Johnson on a fair tax system for America
Everyone has probably heard the old saying which claims that the only sure things in life are death and taxes. Read More.
Guess how much time the average American spends filing taxes
Americans will spend more than 8.9 billion hours complying with IRS paperwork, according to an analysis. Read More.
IRS Took $43 Million From Innocent Americans Under ‘Structuring’ Law
Agency has yet to return funds, continues to harass small business owners Read More.
House panel votes to censure IRS chief for alleged obstruction
A House committee voted Wednesday to censure IRS Commissioner John Koskinen for his obstruction of an investigation into the IRS improperly scrutinizing Tea Party groups. Read More.
IRS targeting scandal: We will not allow Team Obama to run out the clock
It’s a strategy the Obama administration has mastered – the 3-D strategy: Delay, Distract, and Deflect. Read More.

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