Sometimes seeds you plant sprout years later. That’s what happened with our Alabama Team when they went to work on Congressman Gary Palmer, who represents the Sixth District of that state. Congressman Palmer became our 31st co-sponsor of the FAIRtax on May 14, 2019 and the first to join since January.
Congressman Palmer had been a co-sponsor in the 114th Congress from 2015-2016. Alabama State Director, Chuck Bailey, writes in response to a question whether our Sixth-District Team was active in soliciting Palmer two Congresses ago, “Yes! Mary Lynn and I were totally involved with Jackie and Art Matthews, the District 6 Director at two/four-on-one discussions and attending town halls.”
Congressman Palmer evidently decided to take a vacation from the FAIRtax in the last Congress. But he got back on the bill this Congress on his own. State Director Chuck Bailey sent a note thanking the Congressman for his co-sponsorship.
Now our Alabama Team will be motivated to perform maintenance. In FAIRtax terms that means educating the public in Congressman Palmer’s district about the benefits of a consumption tax like the FAIRtax. Members of Congress need to see support in their districts.
For many of us, maintenance would be a nice problem to have. Meanwhile, Congressman Palmer’s move shows that we can continue to grow our list of co-sponsors.
We need more of you to send in pictures and news. If you have anything to share, please send your material to me at, or text me at (908) 578-4975, or fax me at (908) 598-2888. When others see your activity, they are inspired, and the process snowballs. When the process snowballs, Congress Members and Senators and, yes, even the President start to listen.