
Chairman’s Report - May 11, 2018
People in the real estate industry have long championed the Mortgage Interest Deduction (MID). The MID allows a taxpayer to reduce the amount of income subject to the federal income tax by the amount paid in interest on their home mortgage… Read More.
Chairman’s Report - April 20, 2018
In USA Today, Ways And Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady published an op-ed where he boasted that the recently enacted tax plan said “…good riddance to that outdated monstrosity of a tax code that took too much of your money, sent our American jobs overseas, and kept our economy so slow many workers didn’t see a pay raise for a decade or more.” Read More.
Chairman’s Report - August 17, 2018
As the years pass, many of us find that some physical things are not as easy as they used to be. For some, there is new meaning to Sonny Steele’s (played by Robert Redford) statement to Hallie Martin (played by Jane Fonda) in the movie Electric Horseman, “Some parts wake up faster than others.” Read More.
Chairman’s Report - March 30, 2018
A Wall Street Journal article entitled “For U.S. Farmers, China Tariffs’ Timing Is Brutal” that was published on March 26, 2018 discusses at length the possible adverse effects on farmers if there is a trade war with China. Read More.
Chairman’s Report - March 23, 2018
Many pundits and spokespeople for the Swamp (they are often the same) shrilly denounce the recent income tax plan because it “unfairly” limits the state and local tax deduction to $10,000. Discounting that most of these spokespeople and members of the Swamp live in states with high state and local taxes, the argument seems to be that all of the residents of the other states should “subsidize” the state tax burden paid by the people who elect to reside in states with high state and local taxes. Read More.
Chairman’s Report - July 27, 2018
All of us know that there are many reasons to pass the FAIRtax and we don’t need to list them here. However, in this the world’s greatest economy we have a growing crisis. According to a national survey conducted online by Harris Poll on behalf of CareerBuilder: Read More.
Chairman’s Report - February 16, 2018
To a person who uses the logic of someone who works for a living and lives outside of the Swamp, any legitimate tax bill that seeks to reform the existing broken income/payroll tax system would eliminate tax extenders. Tax extenders are special tax benefits that have to be renewed, usually in one to three years, or they expire. The Swamp loves these tax extenders because then they can extort the beneficiaries for a continuing flow of funds in order that the Swamp can influence Congress to extend it over and over again. Read More.
Chairman’s Report - August 24, 2018
What happens when you step on a rattlesnake? A candidate who ran a false ad attacking FAIRtax just found out. Read More.
Chairman’s Report - April 6, 2018
Chairman’s Report - May 18, 2018
Some critics of the FAIRtax assert that purchasing homes will be much more difficult for working Americans. They point to the fact that new homes, like other retail products, will be subject to the FAIRtax… Read More.
Chairman’s Report - November 2, 2018
How does FAIRtax impact charitable giving? Read More.
Chairman’s Report - September 28, 2018
States with high taxes aren’t happy about the recent tax cuts. Why? Because their taxes are too high. So who to blame? The federal government who cut taxes, of course. Read More.
Chairman’s Report - July 13, 2018
Many of us smile and agree with the statement by Spenser Tracy, “Acting is not the noblest profession in the world, but there are things lower than acting. Not many, mind you - but politicians give you something to look down on from time to time.” Read More.
Chairman’s Report - May 25, 2018
When the FAIRtax is explained to many audiences, it is easy to see people thinking of the impact on their family if items were increased in price by 23%. Since most in the audience are on a budget, the prospect of suddenly paying that much more is very concerning… Read More.

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