
Chairman’s Report - May 25, 2018
When the FAIRtax is explained to many audiences, it is easy to see people thinking of the impact on their family if items were increased in price by 23%. Since most in the audience are on a budget, the prospect of suddenly paying that much more is very concerning… Read More.
Chairman’s Report - November 22, 2018
Happy Thanksgiving from Americans for Fair Taxation! The swamp is certainly celebrating the holiday. Here’s why… Read More.
Chairman’s Report - June 15, 2018
Over the years, I have met and often been on panels with many economists—some Nobel Prize-winning economists. Almost all these men and women were personable and treated me with reasonable deference as they dismissed my arguments about the advantages of the FAIRtax over the present income/payroll tax system. Read More.
Chairman’s Report - August 3, 2018
All of us know that there are many reasons to pass the FAIRtax and we don’t need to list them here. However, in this the world’s greatest economy we have a growing crisis. According to a national survey conducted online by Harris Poll on behalf of CareerBuilder: Read More.
Chairman’s Report - February 23, 2018
Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall made many decisions which were objected to by the sitting Presidents and Congress. One of these was relating to a Georgia law that affected the Cherokees. Marshall’s 1832 opinion, supported by a majority of the court, invalidated the law and ordered a person imprisoned under the law to be released. Read More.
Chairman’s Report - January 12, 2018
In 1837, Hans Christian Andersen wrote a fable entitled The Emperor’s New Clothes. The Emperor really didn’t care about his people but only about getting new clothes to show off to the people in his court and to his subjects. Read More.
Chairman’s Report - January 19, 2018
When looking at the actions of politicians, Mark Twain said, “I’ve found that common sense ain’t so common.” Only inside the Washington D.C. Beltway will you find supposedly intelligent people that will look you in the eye and tell you that businesses actually pay taxes from some mysterious account that they have. These “brains” point to the billions of dollars that some of these corporations have. However, much of it has been kept outside of the U.S. because of U.S. tax policies and much of it is for re-investment in their business. Read More.
Chairman’s Report - January 5, 2018
When I started to read the final tax bill that was signed by the President, I recalled a statement by Abraham Lincoln when a reporter asked him about the losses his party suffered in the mid-term elections. Lincoln said about the boy who stubbed his toe, “I am too big to cry but it hurts too much to laugh.” Read More.
US economy added 250,000 jobs in December
US companies closed out 2017 with strong hiring in December, adding the most jobs in nine months — news that sent the Dow Jones industrial average soaring past a record 25,000 points Thursday morning. Read More.
Dow Industrials Cross 25000 for First Time
​The Dow Jones Industrial Average jumped past 25000 for the first time Thursday, on pace to notch the fastest run to a fresh 1,000-point milestone in history. Read More.
What tax reform means for the next big lottery winner
What does tax reform mean for the next big lottery winner? That will depend on where in the U.S. the winning ticket is purchased. Read More.
Republicans are already acknowledging they need to fix their gigantic tax law — but that could be impossible
The new Republican tax law sets up major changes to the US tax code. Republicans are already acknowledging they will need follow-up bills to help correct any implementation issues. Democrats may not go along with any attempts at fixing the law, given that Republicans blocked fixes to the Affordable Care Act under President Barack Obama. Read More.
Republicans are already acknowledging they need to fix their gigantic tax law — but that could be impossible
The new Republican tax law sets up major changes to the US tax code. Republicans are already acknowledging they will need follow-up bills to help correct any implementation issues. Democrats may not go along with any attempts at fixing the law, given that Republicans blocked fixes to the Affordable Care Act under President Barack Obama. Read More.
Tax Reform Changes To Recharacterizations And Roth IRA 2018 Contribution Limits
Despite lots of noise leading up to the passage of the tax reform bill, retirement planning was left mostly alone. While the tax cuts and changes might have a big impact on government program cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security in the future and might also significantly impact how people save, spend, and invest money, only a few direct changes were made to retirement planning laws. Read More.
Republicans Hunt for Ways to Pay for Tax Cuts
A day after House and Senate Republican leaders said they had reached agreement on a merged version of their tax bill, they continued looking for ways to pay for the tax overhaul and faced the possible defection of a Republican senator, Marco Rubio of Florida. Read More.

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