
FairTax Friday - The FairTax Continues to Shape Tax Reform in America, and with Every Step We Move Closer to Making It a Reality
Tax Day 2018 is now behind us, and as we FairTax supporters tend to do, we took it as an opportunity to call others to action. It’s a reminder that this simply isn’t the way things have to be. We know a better way. The most notable difference between this Tax Day and those in years past is that it marks the last time the American people will file their taxes under the old, broken tax code we’d been subject to for far too long. Read More.
FairTax Friday - A Supplement to Pocket Cards
At my annual Tax Day appearance at the Summit NJ Train Station during morning rush hour. I handed out about 100 pocket cards to about 2,000 who passed through the station on their way to Newark and New York. Read More.
FairTax Friday - Rethinking Taxes: What Was the Discussion Really About?
Our New Jersey FAIRtax Team members, Dave Corsi, John O’Rourke, and Pennsylvania FAIRtax-er Anthony LoCasio, attended a forum in Summit, N.J. on April 4, 2018 billed as “Rethinking Taxes” that did not deliver as advertised. At least 50 people and the press were there. Read More.
Copy of FairTax Friday - The FairTax Continues to Shape Tax Reform in America, and with Every Step We Move Closer to Making It a Reality
Tax Day 2018 is now behind us, and as we FairTax supporters tend to do, we took it as an opportunity to call others to action. It’s a reminder that this simply isn’t the way things have to be. We know a better way. The most notable difference between this Tax Day and those in years past is that it marks the last time the American people will file their taxes under the old, broken tax code we’d been subject to for far too long. Read More.
Poll: Majority of Americans say they are not seeing change in paychecks due to tax cuts
​A majority of Americans say they are not yet seeing President Trump’s tax cuts reflected in their paychecks, according to a new poll. Read More.
Final reading on US Q4 GDP is up 2.9%, vs 2.7% growth expected
​U.S. economic growth slowed less than previously estimated in the fourth quarter as the biggest gain in consumer spending in three years partially offset the drag from a surge in imports. Read More.
The Republicans’ massive $1.3 trillion “omnibus” spending bill has at least one enthusiastic fan: Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.). Read More.
It didn’t take long for the U.S. to rack up another trillion dollars of debt
It has taken a little more than six months for the U.S. national debt to grow by a trillion dollars, a quick clip that has little precedent over the nation’s recent history. Read More.
FAIRTAX FRIDAY- Citizens of FAIRtaxUSA Unite
We all want the current income tax system to go away. We all want to not have to swear under oath the filing we are about to make on April 17 to the Internal Revenue Service. We know that there is no way we can know what is in that 74,600 pages of code, regulation and interpretation called the income tax system. Read More.
Key Republican is talking to the White House about tax plan ‘phase two’
​House Ways and Means Committee Kevin Brady is talking to the White House about a possible “phase two” of the Republican tax plan. Read More.
The Impact Of The 2018 Tax Reform On Business Owners
It has been 30 years since there has been a significant tax reform, and the Tax Cuts and Jobs Bill that recently passed is certain to impact everyone – from individual taxpayers to business owners. If you have been in the accounting business for more than 30 years, you might notice the similarities between today’s climate and of President Reagan’s Tax Reform Act. The changes were so broad that it became known as the “Accountants’ Full Employment Act of 1986.” Read More.
Double taxation? These 13 states tax your Social Security benefits
When you think of double taxation, you might think of dividends. After all, they’re paid to you out of the funds that remain after a company has been taxed on its earnings – and then they typically become taxable income for you. You might also be subject to another kind of double taxation, though – taxation of your Social Security benefits. Read More.
Trump administration backs states’ bid to collect online sales taxes
The Trump administration on Monday said states should be able to require online retailers to collect sales taxes, backing an appeal by South Dakota at the U.S. Supreme Court that could mean billions of dollars in revenue for state coffers. Read More.
42% of Americans are at risk of retiring broke
At this rate, retirement is more of a fantasy than a reality for many people in this country. About 42 percent of Americans have less than $10,000 saved for when they retire, according to a study by GoBankingRates released Tuesday. Read More.
Ron Paul warns that market dangers are ‘bigger than ever,’ even if Trump backs away from tariff threat
The situation facing stocks may appear more ominous with the addition of President Donald Trump’s tariff threat. But libertarian Ron Paul suggests Wall Street is missing the bigger picture. Read More.

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