
#408 What the Income Tax Really Costs You
The income tax system costs you a lot more than just the money you have to fork over in taxes. The compliance costs are huge. That’s the time, effort and additional money you have to spend just to comply with the tax code. Read More.
#407 Some Taxes You See, Some You Don’t
One of the reasons that the Washington elites love the income tax so much is that it does a fantastic job of hiding from us just how much tax we really pay. Think you can determine your federal tax burden by looking at your paycheck stub or your income tax return? Think again. You’re not even close. Read More.
#406 It Will Never Pass
You don’t have to be a FAIRtax volunteer for long to hear someone tell you that the FAIRtax is a great idea, but it will never pass. Well, there was a time when the idea of women voting seemed preposterous and those advocating for women’s suffrage were facing seemingly insurmountable odds. But they never gave up. It took decades to accomplish, but the impossible became reality because a group of determined people would not be denied. Read More.
#405 The Income Tax vs the Flat Tax vs the FAIRtax – Part 2
The income tax is irretrievably broken. It’s going to have to be replaced with something that’s fairer, easier to administer and comply with, and can’t be evaded. Some are promoting a flat tax as the fix for what’s wrong with the income tax. Unfortunately, a flat tax is still a tax on income and comes with many of the problems that plague the current income tax. Read More.
#404 Income Tax vs Flat Tax vs FAIRtax – Part 1
The Federal income tax is insanely complicated, flagrantly unfair, exorbitantly expensive to administer and enforce, and ridiculously easy to evade. It needs to be replaced. The two most talked about alternatives to the income tax are a flat tax and a national retail sales tax like the FAIRtax. Read More.
#403 Why Democrats Should Support the FAIRtax
AFFT president Steve Hayes’ testimony before the House Ways and Means subcommittee on taxation was largely political theater. Both sides used the occasion to advance their own talking points—Republicans touting the success of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, and Democrats attacking the FAIRtax at every turn. Read More.
#402 State of the FAIRtax 2024
2023 had promised to be a watershed year for the FAIRtax. In order to secure the Speakership of the House, Kevin McCarthy had to promise to bring the FAIRtax up for a vote—something that hasn’t happened since the FAIRtax was first introduced into Congress in 1999. Read More.
#400 Steve Hayes Testifies Before Congress
December 6, 2023 was a significant day for the FAIRtax. That’s the day that AFFT president Steve Hayes testified before the House Ways and Means subcommittee on taxation. While Congress is still a long way from enacting real tax reform, it’s encouraging to see that the FAIRtax is still in the conversation when it comes to deciding exactly what that reform should look like. Read More.
#399 The IRS Is Coming after Your Venmo Money
Economists will tell you that there are a number of different laws, like the Law of Supply and Demand, that define how our economic system works. Here’s one they probably won’t tell you about, but it’s certainly true nonetheless. “Never underestimate a politician’s lust for your money”. Read More.
#398 - More Questions Answered
Compared to the income tax, the FAIRtax is an exceedingly simple and easy to understand method of raising the money the Federal government needs to operate and provide services that people need and demand. Read More.
#397 - FAIRtax Questions Answered
The FAIRtax FAQ at is an excellent resource for anyone wanting to know more about what the FAIRtax is, how it works and why it’s fair. Read More.
#396 Some Thoughts from Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes is the president of Americans for Fair Taxation. He has been involved in the effort to replace the income tax with a consumption tax since well before the FAIRtax was developed and introduced into Congress. Read More.
#395 NC State Should Know Better
Back in February, economist Nathan Goldman at North Carolina State University in Raleigh published an article purporting to answer common questions people may have about the FAIRtax. You would think that an economist would understand what a boon the FAIRtax would be for the American economy. Read More.
#394 Sweeping Changes at the IRS
The IRS has announced what it calls “a sweeping effort to restore fairness to the tax system”. In a nutshell, the IRS says it’s going to make tax compliance fairer by concentrating its enforcement and auditing efforts on higher income taxpayers, partnerships, large corporations and promoters who are abusing the tax rules. Read More.
#393 - The FAIRtax Guys at WTOB
The FAIRtax Guys are grateful for the radio stations that carry FAIRtax Power Radio at no charge as a public service. The flagship station for this effort is WTOB in Winston-Salem, NC where Bob Scarborough is employed. Read More.

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