
#424 The FAIRtax Book – Part 3
The FAIRtax book by Neal Boortz and John Linder is the definitive work highlighting the problems with the income tax system and presenting the FAIRtax as the elegantly simple solution to those problems. Read More.
#424 The FAIRtax Book – Part 3
The FAIRtax book by Neal Boortz and John Linder is the definitive work highlighting the problems with the income tax system and presenting the FAIRtax as the elegantly simple solution to those problems. Read More.
#423 The FAIRtax Book – Part 2
Neal Boortz and John Linder introduced the country to the FAIRtax in 2005 with the publication of their first FAIRtax book. The FAIRtax Guys are doing an extended series of FAIRtax Power Radio programs going back and using Boortz and Linder’s words to explain what’s wrong with the current income tax system and why the FAIRtax is a much better alternative. Read More.
#422 The FAIRtax Book – Part 1
In 2005, Neal Boortz and John Linder wrote a fairly short book describing a revolutionary new way to fund the federal government. This new plan would let everyone bring home their entire paychecks, do away with filing tax returns and hang an “Out of Business” sign on the front door of the Internal Revenue Service. Read More.
#421 Would You Like a Lobbyist with That
The federal government is supposed to be of the people, by the people and for the people. Unfortunately, with the cost of getting re-elected running in the multiplied millions of dollars, today’s government is more like of the people, by the lobbyists and for the lobbyists. Read More.
#420 Everyday Life with the FAIRtax
Most people would readily agree that having more money in their pocket would be a good thing that would make a real difference in their everyday lives. Read More.
#419 Linder's Letter
John Linder is the retired Georgia Congressman who was the original sponsor of the FAIRtax bill when it was first introduced into Congress in 1999. He recently wrote a letter to Donald Trump detailing the many benefits of the FAIRtax and urging Mr. Trump to support it. This week, Dr. Linder joins the FAIRtax Guys to discuss the letter and the response to it. Read More.
#418 44 Percent? Are You Kidding Me?
Any economist will tell you that investing is the lifeblood of a healthy economy. Businesses raise capital by selling stock. Investors risk their money to buy that stock expecting that the company will be profitable, that the value of the stock will rise and it can be sold at a profit. Anything that makes investing less profitable makes it harder for businesses to raise the money they need and hurts the overall economy. Read More.
#417 A Taxpayer's Worst Nightmare
Navigating the federal income tax system is a nightmare. When it comes to doing their taxes, a great majority of Americans have to hire professional help—either in person or by using professionally prepared tax preparation software. Read More.
#416 Rule of Law vs. Politics
Charles Littlejohn is a criminal. He committed a federal felony when he stole and leaked the confidential tax returns of several wealthy Americans including Donald Trump. Not surprisingly, there are a number of Washington elites who hail Littlejohn as a hero and think that he should be pardoned. Read More.
#415 Why Do We Put Up with This?
When you look at all that ways that governments have devised to fund themselves, the Federal income tax system is the most ill-designed, most fraud prone, most error prone, most inefficient, most unfair, most invasive and most easily evaded system of them all. Read More.
#414 You Might Be a FAIRtax Fan – Part 3
The FAIRtax does a lot of good things for individuals. It lets them bring home their whole paycheck, eliminates filing tax returns and provides them with a tax refund every month. Read More.
#413 You Might Be a FAIRtax Fan – Part 2
Millions of people are FAIRtax fans and don’t know it. After all, who wouldn’t want a bigger paycheck, a tax refund every month and freedom from ever having to fill out a tax return ever again. Read More.
#412 The Tax Deception
There’s a dirty little secret among the DC elites. They have written the tax code to benefit themselves, not the American taxpayer. They continue to insist that the income tax is fair and equitable while they continue to fill it chock full of loopholes, exemptions, deductions and credits that are bought and paid for by an army of DC lobbyists looking to buy favorable tax treatment for their clients. Read More.
#411 You Might Be a FAIRtax Fan – Part 1
Oftentimes, people don’t know if they like something or not until they try it. With that in mind, it’s safe to say that there are undoubtedly millions of people who like the FAIRtax, but aren’t actively supporting it because they just don’t know anything about it. Read More.

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