FAIRtax Friday

Chairman’s Report - May 17, 2019
A Special “Tax Day” Report from AFFT Chairman & President Steve Hayes
Another tax day is upon us and the United States still has a federal income tax. Many of us have worked for years to replace the current income/payroll tax system with a national retail sales tax, the FAIRtax. We find it very frustrating that many Members of Congress ignore the problems caused by the income tax/payroll tax system. Many Members who say they understand that we need a new tax system seem to be ineffective at getting their colleagues to consider the FAIRtax. Read More.
Governments and the FAIRtax
One of the questions I am often asked about the FAIRtax is, “Why is the sales tax (FAIRtax) applied to governments?” And, to that, I have a very simple response, “Because every government of the United States pays federal taxes today and the amount of revenues from those taxes must be recaptured with the sales tax in order to continue paying for the expenditures and debts of the Federal Government.” Read More.
FAIRtax—America’s Big Solution: A Sponsor for the 2016 AMAC Delegate’s Conference
A conference of the Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC) held February 18-20, 2016 in Howey-in-the-Hills, Florida provided a perfect backdrop to premiere FAIRtax-America’s Big Solution. Attendance at the conference was limited to those AMAC members active in the Delegate program. The AMAC Delegate program is designed to give AMAC members a voice in Congress through representatives in each Congressional District. More than 100 attendees and guests discussed active political issues including tax reform, Medicare, Social Security, the presidential campaign and many more. Read More.
The Way It Is Isn’t The Way It Needs To Be
As we approach the annual blood letting called tax season, I wanted to take this opportunity to say a few things about how we might do things a little differently in America. Our current tax code is about 75,000 pages long. Most of those pages are written in such a way that only an IRS scribe or seasoned tax lawyer could decipher them. Just take this language for example which pertains to certain individuals who are self-employed … Read More.
MELUSKEY: The First ‘YEY’ For FAIRtax
Alex Meluskey is now running for the Republican nomination for the Senate in Arizona. While we are a non-partisan organization, Alex is the only candidate in the race that has endorsed true tax reform—the FAIRtax. Due to time crunch of campaigning, Alex has shared with us a quick statement about his race and support of the FAIRtax. We believe that it is important that our supporters be aware of candidates who support the FAIRtax and who have made their support an integral part of their campaign. Read More.
A Texas State Candidate Explains Why He Supports The FAIRtax
Many years ago, Ronald Reagan joked for the average person the US tax code is like a daily mugging. Read More.
The Fair Tax — A Tax System that Americans Rightfully Deserve
At more than 73,000 pages, it’s no wonder our country’s tax code spells headache for millions of hardworking Americans across the country. This bloated document, riddled with complicated loopholes, is anything but navigable for working-class people who can’t afford to hire accountants, lawyers or tax professionals. Yet like clockwork every spring, Americans throw away countless time and treasure in an attempt to properly comply with the process of giving their hard-earned money to the federal government. Read More.
The Fair Tax Puts Power Back Into The Hands Of Individual Americans!
America’s national debt sits above a staggering $19 trillion. That’s math we literally can’t even begin to comprehend, yet it’s not hard to understand why we should worry. Many of my colleagues on the other side of the aisle think the solution to our debt crisis is to raise taxes. According to the Joint Committee on Taxation, President Obama’s final budget calls for a $2.1 trillion tax increase on the American people. As we know, liberals’ solution to most problems is to take more money away from hard working Americans to spend as they see fit. I strongly disagree. Read More.
BROUN: I Will Fight For FAIRtax
Dear FairTax Supporters, My name is Paul Broun and I’m running for Congress in Georgia’s Ninth District. I’m an ardent supporter of the FairTax. The tax code is one of the most important issues in our country because it affects everyone. Currently, the tax code a convoluted, job-killing disaster. To fix it, we need to abolish the IRS, repeal the 16th Amendment, and implement the FairTax. I’ve got a record of fighting to do this … Read More.
America Needs the Fair Tax
When I opened my first pharmacy some twenty-eight years ago, all I asked for was a level playing field and a fair shot at success. As a “little guy,” I could not afford lawyers or accountants to help me through those critical starting years. For several years, I could not even afford to pay myself! Read More.
D.C. Report: Visibility, Interest & Solidarity — the FAIRtax Lapel Pin
It is time to show our solidarity and appreciation to those Members who support our legislation by honoring them with an official FAIRtax pinning ceremony and photo opportunity for our weekly newsletter. Read More.
Tax Reform Hearing Took Center Stage on Capitol Hill This Week
Fundamental tax reform took center stage on Capitol Hill this week, and as always, I was eager to have the conversation. I was privileged to testify on the FairTax before the Ways and Means Subcommittee on Tax Policy, as well as share the good news with Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady’s Tax Reform Idea Task Force. What some may not know is that there’s a great deal of consensus in Washington and across the country that America desperately needs fundamental tax reform – in particular, reform that is consumption-based. It’s that consensus that leads us to these vital conversations and ultimately to implementing the lasting solutions we need. Read More.
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