Dedicated FAIRtax volunteers Rudy Treml, Nick and Barb Rudelic and Randy Fischer created and manned a FAIRtax information hub. They worked hard at distributing important educational material like How The FairTax Compares and The FairTax Benefits Seniors to a receptive crowd. But the focus was to discuss America’s Big Solution-PASS FAIRtax and the reasons to support FAIRtax. Using mobile devices and a laptop they quickly signed up new supporters for America's Big Solution and connected them to the new database.

Among those in attendance at the Conference was Congressman Daniel Webster (FL-10), as the event was in his Congressional District, and former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (MN-06), a former co-sponsor of The FairTax Act who was present as keynote speaker. The President of AMAC, Dan Weber, led spirited discussions on issues including Social Security, Medicare, Obamacare, and taxes.
The conference was also an opportunity for FAIRtax supporters who were present as delegates to meet each other and to discuss how FAIRtax has a great window of opportunity in 2016 because of the “perfect storm” of Speaker Paul Ryan and Chairman Kevin Brady stating that tax reform hearings will occur. Randell Phalp, FairTax Kansas Association Board Member (KS-03), was a great help in spreading the message. Randell would frequently jump in to discuss why FAIRtax is America’s Big Solution. Delegates from Texas, Tennessee, Ohio, Minnesota, Georgia and several other states who are FAIRtax supporters gravitated to the FAIRtax tables.
As we move in to this critical election year, events like the AMAC Delegates Conference are opportunities to quickly connect with new supporters, get them engaged via social media and hopefully get them to become active supporters contributing both time and funds. It is going to be an interesting year.

Director of Communications
Americans For Fair Taxation