Chairman Reports

Chairman’s Report - November 16, 2018
Car sales are nearing an all-time high. Here’s how FAIRtax affects the purchase of a vehicle. It might not be what you think… Read More.
Chairman’s Report - June 1, 2018
Russell Long served as a U.S. Senator from 1948 until 1987 and was chairman of the Senate Finance Committee for fifteen years from 1966 to 1981. During a meeting at his Washington, D.C. office in the early 1990’s, the Senator related that during his time on the Senate Finance Committee, there was always a constant stream of lobbyists explaining why they were in favor of tax reform as long as it did not affect their client’s particular tax benefit… Read More.
Chairman’s Report - April 27, 2018
In 1954, Congress enacted the clergy housing allowance which allows a church to provide a housing allowance to its minister that is not taxable as income to the minister. The Freedom From Religion Foundation website describes its purpose: “The history of Western civilization shows us that most social and moral progress has been brought about by persons free from religion. In modern times the first to speak out for prison reform, for humane treatment of the mentally ill, for abolition of capital punishment, for women’s right to vote, for death with dignity for the terminally ill, and for the right to choose contraception, sterilization and abortion have been freethinkers, just as they were the first to call for an end to slavery. The Foundation works as an umbrella for those who are free from religion and are committed to the cherished principle of separation of state and church.” Read More.
Chairman’s Report - September 7, 2018
You don’t know what you’ve got til it’s gone. Our current income tax system is (unfortunately) all we’ve ever known. Imagine what it would be like to eliminate it completely… along with all the complexity, confusion, and cost that comes with it. Read More.
Chairman’s Report - December 14, 2018
What do the Yellow Vests protesting in France have in common with taxation in the United States? It might not be what you think… Read More.
Chairman’s Report - January 26, 2018
On January 24, 1965, Winston Churchill died at the age of 90. He was in the public eye from a very young age because of his reporting from South Africa about the Boer War and being captured and then escaping his captors. It is also because the first of his 43 books was published in 1898. Read More.
Chairman’s Report - November 22, 2018
Happy Thanksgiving from Americans for Fair Taxation! The swamp is certainly celebrating the holiday. Here’s why… Read More.
Chairman’s Report - January 5, 2018
When I started to read the final tax bill that was signed by the President, I recalled a statement by Abraham Lincoln when a reporter asked him about the losses his party suffered in the mid-term elections. Lincoln said about the boy who stubbed his toe, “I am too big to cry but it hurts too much to laugh.” Read More.
Chairman’s Report - October 19, 2018
Taxation of transferred property after a person’s death dates back nearly 3.000 years. Today, we call it the Estate Tax… and the FAIRtax eliminates it. Read More.
Chairman’s Report - February 1, 2019
There’s a new idea floating around the Senate: Taxing an individual’s wealth, not just their income. Our Chairman, a former tax attorney, discusses this new wealth tax in this week’s Chairman’s Report. Read on! Read More.
Chairman’s Report - January 11, 2019
The wall on the southern border is all over the news lately. This week’s Chairman’s Report looks at the cost per taxpayer - and it isn’t as simple as you think. What do the numbers say? Will the wall save taxpayer dollars or not? And how does the FAIRtax figure in? Read on… Read More.
Chairman’s Report - August 3, 2018
All of us know that there are many reasons to pass the FAIRtax and we don’t need to list them here. However, in this the world’s greatest economy we have a growing crisis. According to a national survey conducted online by Harris Poll on behalf of CareerBuilder: Read More.
Chairman’s Report - January 19, 2018
When looking at the actions of politicians, Mark Twain said, “I’ve found that common sense ain’t so common.” Only inside the Washington D.C. Beltway will you find supposedly intelligent people that will look you in the eye and tell you that businesses actually pay taxes from some mysterious account that they have. These “brains” point to the billions of dollars that some of these corporations have. However, much of it has been kept outside of the U.S. because of U.S. tax policies and much of it is for re-investment in their business. Read More.
Chairman’s Report - February 8, 2019
After the State of the Union address, we were faced with a fork in America’s path: Do we choose freedom or socialism? This week, Steve Hayes examines this choice and how the FAIRtax might just be the liberty we’re searching for. Read More.
Chairman’s Report - April 13, 2018

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