
Tax Day shows stark divide between Biden and Trump
The presidential candidates have conflicting ideas about how much to reveal about their own finances and the best ways to boost the economy through tax policy. Read More.
Here are the massive tax increases coming your way in a second Biden term
Donald Trump has made his direction for federal taxes clear. Lower. But so has President Biden, who wants to wallop Americans with a $5 trillion tax increase. Read More.
The Grassroots Corner April 15th, 2024
The Grassroots Corner - Week Beginning 4/15/24: “FAIRtax in Las Vegas” Read More.
If you're retired or about to retire, think carefully about your tax strategy
Coming up with the best tax strategy in retirement can be much trickier than it seems, and tax pros agree that it is a time when people need to be especially careful. Read More.
What happens if you don’t file taxes or file late? What to know
Despite the IRS expecting to process more than 146 million individual tax returns this filing season, the agency will still notice if you fail to file your returns on time. Read More.
The Grassroots Corner April 8th, 2024
The Grassroots Corner - Week Beginning 4/8/24: “Get Ready for Tax Day” Read More.
The Chairman’s Report April 12th, 2024
Last week, the Chairman’s Report, examined a poll done by Scott Rasmussen. While it is not the complete answer, it provides a revealing look at a group of Americans he calls “America’s Elite 1%”, defined as people who make over $150,000 a year, live in densely populated areas, and have postgraduate degrees. Read More.
The Chairman’s Report April 5th, 2024
When people learn about the FAIRtax, they often ask, “Who is stopping the FAIRtax from being enacted?” They see that the FAIRtax, a national retail sales tax on new, not used, retail goods and retail services, eliminates: The income tax and payroll taxes The need to keep receipts and file tax returns. The IRS Read More.
The Grassroots Corner May 27th, 2024
The Grassroots Corner - Week Beginning 5/27/24: “Hostile Argument: The FAIRtax will hurt seniors” Read More.
Family caregivers tax credit moves through Legislature
A new AARP survey revealed that registered voters 40 years and older want lawmakers to pass family caregiver tax credits. Read More.
Need more time to file your taxes? Here's how to get the automatic extension
If you feel like you may need to file for an extension on your taxes this year, you’re not alone. Tax Day has a way of creeping up on all of us. One minute, we’re enjoying the sunshine and cherry blossoms, and the next we realize tax deadlines are upon us and we can’t remember where we put all of our documents. Read More.
The Grassroots Corner April 1st, 2024
The Grassroots Corner - Week Beginning 4/1/24: “What Level of Supporter are you?” Read More.
The Chairman’s Report March 29th, 2024
While President Biden’s proposed budget may get him votes—who doesn’t like a free lunch, he’s being rather dishonest regarding how he’s going to pay for it. The President would like us to believe that the lunch really is free but in reality, it’s not. Read More.
Hunter Biden’s bid to dismiss tax case meets judge’s skepticism
Hunter Biden’s effort to dismiss the federal tax charges against him got a chilly reception in court on Wednesday, as a federal judge sounded skeptical that the president’s son was a victim of a politically motivated prosecution. Read More.
Where's my refund? Why your tax return may be taking longer in 2024
Maybe you're a planner, your taxes were filed weeks ago and now you're just waiting on the refund. And waiting. Here's why you might wait longer. Read More.

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