Chairman Reports

The Chairman’s Report September 17, 2021
In order to maintain a safe and civilized society, it’s important that people respect and obey the rules and laws that define what is acceptable behavior and what is not.  Read More.
The Chairman’s Report September 10, 2021
Our group of FAIRtax advocates were greatly saddened by the loss of Ron Maiellaro, the man in the redshirt in the picture below. Read More.
The Chairman’s Report September 3, 2021
Throughout history, there has always been tension between employers and employees.  Employers want to make as much profit as they can and employees want to earn as much income as they can. Read More.
The Chairman’s Report August 27, 2021
The United States of America was set up to be the premier business marketplace, where free enterprise was the status quo and the only limitations to one’s success was the quality of their product or service.  Read More.
The Chairman’s Report August 20, 2021
Ronald Reagan’s famous quote is quite applicable to a proposal being floated around D.C. as the way to “fix” one of the most irritating problems with the income/payroll tax system—having to file annual income tax returns. Read More.
The Chairman’s Report August 13, 2021
As more and more people begin looking at the FAIRtax to replace the failing federal income tax system, one of the questions people ask is why does the FAIRtax tax government. Read More.
The Chairman’s Report August 6, 2021
A July 13th article in the Wall Street Journal points out that more and more wealthy people are purchasing things they want not by selling their investment assets but  by borrowing against their value and using the borrowed funds to make their purchases. Read More.
The Chairman’s Report July 30, 2021
As a businessman, Congressman Kelly knows about the problems businesses and people have dealing with the IRS.​​​​​​​ Read More.
The Chairman’s Report July 23, 2021
This bias against Republicans by not just the IRS bureaucrats but most federal bureaucrats is well-known.  However, most of these bureaucrats do not publicly admit their bias like Stephen A. Martin, the director of the IRS Office of Exempt Organizations Rulings and Agreements. ​​​​​​​ Read More.
The Chairman’s Report July 16, 2021
Dyane’s story is very upsetting and if you saw it in movie you would not believe that it was even logical. After all, how could the government be this careless and vindictive—and why? ​​​​​​​ Read More.
The Chairman’s Report July 9, 2021
One of the issues with looking at various forms of taxation and their specific impact on countries and their citizens, it is easy to not see the actual moral issues central to taxation—the Forest. ​​​​​​​ Read More.
The Chairman’s Report July 2, 2021
Rather than have a picture of fireworks or picnics or other activities usually associated with the 4th of July, it seems that we should remember why many of us have persisted in the effort to replace the federal income tax with a national retail sales tax—the FAIRtax. ​​​​​​​ Read More.
The Chairman’s Report June 25, 2021
All of us are familiar with non-profit charitable organizations. Many of us know that these organizations qualify as “exempt” under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC). This exemption is quite valuable to an organization in two primary ways. ​​​​​​​ Read More.
The Chairman’s Report June 18, 2021
About a week ago, Propublica released a document based on a review of leaked IRS tax returns.  They did not allege that any of the wealthy taxpayers involved were violating any part of the Internal Revenue Code.  The “crime” that these wealthy people committed was that they made a lot of money and paid very little, if any, tax. ​​​​​​​ Read More.
The Chairman’s Report June 11, 2021
Many in D.C. have dreamed about the IRS having a computer system that can analyze our tax returns and not just identify unreported 1099 income, but also flag returns on which the taxpayer has exaggerated deductions, claimed credits to which they are not entitled or underreported other income. ​​​​​​​ Read More.

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