
Sen. Moran: Overhaul tax code, abolish IRS
This week, IRS Commissioner John Koskinen told Congress that simplifying the tax code would significantly reduce costs to the government. Despite possible savings, some are suggesting … Read More.
It’s Been 513 Days Since Any Big 3 Network Has Touched the IRS Scandal
The latest stunning development in the IRS targeting scandal, that a federal appeals court on Tuesday scolded the IRS for failing to turn over its full list of groups it targeted, has yet to be reported on any of the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) network evening or morning shows. Read More.
Republican Members Present Proposals for Fundamental Tax Reform
On March 22nd, Members of the Tax Policy Subcommittee, led by Rep. Charles Boustany (R-LA), held the first in a series of hearings on how policymakers should fundamentally reform … Read More.
Rep. Billy Long: We need the Fair Tax
Earlier this month, President Obama tallied what some are calling a “major victory” when the U.S. Treasury announced new rule proposals, which resulted in the termination of U.S. drug maker … Read More.
Sixth Circuit loses patience with the IRS
Nearly 1,050 days since the start of the IRS scandal triggered by allegations that the IRS unlawfully and unethically targeted tea party and other conservative organizations for special scrutiny Read More.
Don’t Book That Caribbean Vacation If You Owe The IRS…
The FAST Act, enacted on December 5, 2015, allows the IRS, for the first time, to share information with the State Department. Read More.
IRS’s Delays in Responding to Taxpayer Correspondence Take Mounting Toll
The Internal Revenue Service’s delays in processing taxpayer correspondence are lengthening, leading to delayed tax refunds and bigger interest payments from the IRS, according to a new report. Read More.
Support urged for the Fair Tax Act
Whenever I see an article about corporations not paying their “fair share” of taxes or that the U.S. has the highest corporate tax rate in the world, I always wonder why it is never pointed out … Read More.
IRS and EPA honchos receive public service awards. No… seriously.
You can keep clicking on this link as many times as you like and refreshing the page but it’s not going to redirect you to a story from The Onion. Read More.
IRS Finds ‘Get Transcript’ Data Breach Was More Widespread
The Internal Revenue Service said Friday that an investigation into last year’s data breach in the online Get Transcript application revealed it affected hundreds of thousands more taxpayers than originally believed. Read More.
Positive effect of FairTax® on jobs, trade and government spending
Although the FairTax® — H.R.25/ S.155 — is a national consumption tax on new goods and services and government spending and will eliminate all federal taxes on income and investment … Read More.
Senate Panel Pushes IRS to Fix Cybersecurity Problems
The Senate Finance Committee held a hearing Tuesday to examine the Internal Revenue Service’s recent failures to protect taxpayer information from cybercriminals. The hearing probed … Read More.
Congress demands end to IRS incompetence, taxpayer neglect
Folks rightfully dislike taxation without representation, but right now taxation with representation is being hamstrung. I hear time and time again from people across the Ozarks that … Read More.
FairTax would create jobs, boost economy
Having the highest corporate income tax rate has resulted in Americans losing jobs as U.S. companies relocate to tax-friendlier countries (inversions), because it is a “reverse tariff” on … Read More.
IRS to hire hundreds of new enforcement employees
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is going to hire between 600 and 700 new employees focused on tax enforcement, the agency’s head announced. The addition will be the agency’s first significant … Read More.

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