The Big Break
Is Finally Coming
Is Finally Coming
Alabama is poised to become the first state in the Union to implement a state-level FAIRtax.
Thanks to the hard work of State Director Chuck Bailey and his Team, “The Alabama Economic Freedom Act”, the state-level FAIRtax for Alabama, has been pre-filed in the state legislature. To be ready for the new legislative session beginning on 2/4/2020, Chuck & Team have been hitting the road to present its many, overwhelming benefits.
Chuck has had numerous meetings with “stakeholders” to discuss the legislation, including 26 visits since October 30, 2019. And he is planning more.
State bill sponsor, Rep. Mike Holmes 31st Legislative District, is planning an additional rollout. Lieutenant Governor Will Ainsworth, a FAIRtax supporter, attended and led the first Alabama Small Business Commission meeting.
Chuck reports very good feedback on the bill. The visits for December 5th included the Alabama Farmers’ Federation, Alabama Truckers Association, and two lobbyist firms.
There will have been a consolidated Convention Of States (”COS”)/FairTax Town Hall meeting at Chili’s in Fultondale, AL, Dec 11th. Marketing & Communications Team Leader, Randy Fischer, will check with The FAIRtax Guys for their availability to broadcast and video-record one of the future town halls within the state. Randy will also look into spreading the word on the national web page and through Twitter.
There is no seriously organized opposition. There is a radio talk show host who doesn’t like the prebate. The representative of the Alabama Realtor’s Association didn’t directly oppose the bill but merely remarked Rep. Holmes would have a hard time passing the bill. [editors note Chuck we have full confidence in you and your team to see this through! Also, let us know what you need from us]
Chuck anticipates a minor issue with the Alabama Education Association because the Alabama income-tax is earmarked to pay teachers’ salaries. The income-tax goes away under the Alabama state-level FAIRtax. Chuck is emphasizing spending is not changed by the act, so really it’s a non-issue.
At the national level, Troy King, the former Alabama Attorney General and current Congressional Candidate of AL-02 , has signed The FAIRtax Pledge. We are still waiting for Jessica Taylor Congressional Candidate of AL-02 to also sign her pledge.
The prospect of a state-level FAIRtax in Alabama is COLOSSAL. When Alabama becomes the first state in the nation to model their state tax reform on The FAIRtax, Alabama will put pressure on other states to enact conforming legislation.
States with a state-level FAIRtax will have an advantage because they are creating an environment to support our efforts to achieve our GOD endowed potential.
People will move to these states from the states with oppressive environments. As more and more states fall in line, there will be upward pressure on Uncle Sam. The big break is finally arriving!

Does anyone else have a state-level FAIRtax story?
This is the last issue of Grassroots Corner before the holidays. We at FAIRtax wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and a Joyous Holiday Season!

May GOD bless you and your Family during this joyous time of the year!
Yours In Liberty!
Jim Bennett
AFFT Grassroots Coordinator & Secretary
Call For Pictures & WriteUps
We need more of you to send in pictures and news. If you have anything to share, please EMAIL your material to me, text me 908-578-4975, Fax me 908-598-2888.
When others see your activity, they are inspired, and the process snowballs. When the process snowballs, Representatives, Senators and, yes, even the President start to take notice and listen to Us.
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