States Are Leading the Way to Eliminate Income Taxes, Says Florida Fair Tax Educational Association
Florida FAIRtax Educational Association
May 26, 2021
JACKSONVILLE, Fla., May 26, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Are states leading the way to eliminate income taxes?
Consider the following:
- Texas—In a November 2019 election, 76% of Texas voters approved the constitutional amendment to prohibit Texasfrom imposing any income tax.
- Tennessee—Ended its state income tax on January 1, 2021.
- Illinois—During the November 2020 election, voters rejected a graduated income tax.
- Washington—During the November 2020 election, voters rejected any income tax.
- Alabama—A representative has filed The Economic Freedom Act to Abolish State Income and Sales Taxes and Replace with "Fair Tax," a consumption tax on goods and services.
- Georgia—A representative has filed a bill called Georgians Freedom from the Destructive Income-TAX-System.
- Minnesota—A representative has filed an initiative to eliminate the income and business taxes and replace its sales tax with a retail consumption tax.
- Nebraska—A representative has filed a bill to eliminate its income and property taxes.
- New York, Mississippi and West Virginia —Since the 2020 election, these states have initiated efforts to end state income taxes.
"Voters are demonstrating their preference for retail consumption taxes that are simple, transparent, and fair," said John Grafer, member of the board of directors of Americans For Fair Taxation ™.
High income tax states like California and New York are losing population. All 7 of the House seats lost in the 2020 census were lost by states with an income tax, and states without an income tax gained 3 of the seats. U-haul recently reported record high one-way trailer rentals going to Texas and Florida.
Taxpayers appear to be displeased with income taxes at the national level as well. The Internal Revenue Service reported that tax evasion now exceeds $1 trillion per year and that it needs to expand its budget to $13.2 billion, a 10.4% increase.
Mr. Grafer continued, "The national solution to the oppressive income/payroll tax system is the FAIRtax Act of 2021, which, as HR 25, is now in the House Ways & Means Committee."
Link to YouTube video of What is the FAIRtax
Learn more about the FAIRtax Act of 2021, HR 25, view the videos, contribute and join the all-volunteer organization at
Florida Fair Tax Educational Association is a 501(c) (3) to inform and educate the citizens on alternatives to the current system of federal taxation based on the following principles: fairness, simplicity, transparency, pro-economic growth and revenue neutrality.
Florida Fair Tax Educational Association
PO Box 23346
Jacksonville, FL 32241
Related Links
How the FAIRtax Works video
Paid for by Florida Fair Tax Educational Association
Americans for Fair Taxation
Steve Hayes, President, and Randy Fischer, Marketing, 800-FAIRTAX and
Florida Fair Tax Educational Association
Paul Livingston, President,
SOURCE Florida FAIRtax Educational Association

Americans For Fair Taxation 2501 N. Harwood Street 20th Floor Dallas, TX 75201