Click here to download a copy of the Pledge
1. Take multiple pictures of the Candidate signing and then holding up The Pledge
2. Make sure you appear in some of the pictures with the Candidate
3. A great example of pictures is Candidate Allen Waters from his 2020 election
4. Take a short video so we can upload to our YouTube channel playlist of 2024 Candidates
5. If you can, scan the signed pledge and then email with pictures and video to: info@FAIRtax.org
6. If you have any questions or if the files are too large to email, contact Randy Fischer Director Marketing & Communications by emailing: Info@FAIRtax.org
Click Candidate's name in the tables below to view their signed Pledge and pictures.
Name | Signed | State | URL |
Name | Signed | State | URL | |
James Hall AR-5 | 02-02-2024 | Arkansas 5 | https://www.facebook.com/groups/hall4house5hometeam |