
Grassroots Corner - January 10, 2020
Grassroots Corner - 1/10/20: Our Pledge To Posterity - It’s a privilege for me to be part of a movement which can help make a better world for my Grandson. This New Year 2020, I resolve to do a better job growing The FAIRtax Grassroots. If each of us does his or her part for The FAIRtax, we can look our children and grandchildren in the eye and tell them we did something to leave their world just a little better than we found it. Read More.
Chairman’s Report - January 10, 2020
Chairman’s Report - 1/10/20: The Ruling Class Is Horrified - Throughout history, the “Ruling Class” has gone by different names. They have been called kings, queens, warlords, tzars and other forms of royalty. However, their basic position on how the system is supposed to work has always been the same, perpetuating its own power. Read More.
Chairman’s Report - December 20, 2019
Chairman’s Report - 12/20/19: An Unnecessary Solution To A Problem They Created - All of these very bright people will not be devoting their energies to improving the well-being of the people of the world, but instead will be draining huge amounts of time and resources to solve a problem which shouldn’t be there in the first place. Read More.
Grassroots Corner - December 20, 2019
Grassroots Corner - 12/20/19: The Big Break Is Finally Coming - Alabama is poised to become the 1st state in the Union to implement a state-level FAIRtax. States with a state-level FAIRtax will have an advantage because they are creating an environment to support our efforts to achieve our GOD endowed potential. Read More.
Sanders Estate Tax Bill Introduced In House
Sanders inroduced the bill in the Senate in January. It would establish a new progressive estate tax rate structure, Read More.
Macron vs. Warren On Social Security
Warren is pandering to the forces that make sensible reforms challenging, and thereby risks deepening the problem. Read More.
Income Taxes On The Top 0.1 Percent Weren’t Much Higher In The 1950s
Lawmakers have recently announced plans that would increase the tax burden on wealthy Americans, ranging from higher marginal income tax rates to wealth taxes. These proposals are flawed in several ways, including in their lack of understanding of tax history. Read More.
Grassroots Corner - December 13, 2019
Grassroots Corner - 12/13/19: Are You Ready To Network? Have you ever been all dressed up to network for The FAIRtax but had nowhere to go? Here’s an idea: Check out your local Chamber of Commerce! Read More.
Chairman’s Report - December 13, 2019
Chairman’s Report - 12/13/19: Rent seeking is an economic term derived from the work of economist Adam Smith. It simply means obtaining favorable treatment, generally from a government entity. Read More.
These Popular Tax Breaks Might Be Gone for Good
For most Americans, filing their tax returns for the 2018 tax year is just a distant and unpleasant memory. Read More.
Your Money: U.S. Tax Reform Further Complicates Federal Student Aid Form
Families tend to give up when the process gets too cumbersome, Javice said. For low-income students, the new tax structure just makes things more complicated. Read More.
Citizens Literally Disband Town To Get Relief From Oppressive Taxes
Apparently, the residents of Amelia were schooled in the wisdom of the Declaration of Independence. A wisdom that suggests, “Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of [its obligation to the People], it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government.” Read More.
Chairman’s Report - December 6, 2019
Chairman’s Report - 12/6/19: U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis said, “If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence”. Read More.
Grassroots Corner - December 6, 2019
Grassroots Corner - 12/6/19: What One State Group Does Well - Our California Team, for a long time, has been visiting university campuses around the Bay Area and engaging students. Read More.
A More Constitutional Way To Tax The Rich?
Instead of just straight up taxing people’s wealth, Batchelder says, the government could instead be more aggressive in taxing the gains from wealth. Read More.

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