Meet Thomas Watercott
“It’s also important that it [the FAIRtax] gets everybody contributing, not just those who earn a living,” says FAIRtax Congressional candidate and pledge signer Thomas Watercott of North Carolina.
Thomas Watercott is a self-made man. Like many candidates running on the FAIRtax, he is a working man. Watercott and people like him are the FAIRtax’s most fervent proponents, dispelling the myth that the FAIRtax is a break for the rich. But, don’t think that being a working man makes Watercott an intellectual slouch. He’s not. When a military family move forced him to transfer from high school in Huntington Beach, California, to Minnesota, he placed out of all his entrance examinations. The school system ignored the tests and relegated him to his age group in the ninth grade. “Why did you bother testing me,” Watercott inquired, “if you were going to throw me back into ninth grade?”
Thomas Watercott started his political campaign in District Six in the Greensboro-Winston-Salem Area, but he has talked about moving to District 7. Watercott quips that he is currently in District 11, but that could change tomorrow unless the state finally finishes reapportionment. Our FAIRtax Guy Bob Scarborough caught up with Watercott at a Libertarian “watering hole,” a Waffle House in Kernersville, North Carolina. Here is what Bob learned:
Watercott sees this country going further into debt and not adopting policies that support our freedom. He wants to "Get the federal government out of every man's business and let us be us."
He sees the FAIRtax as a critical way to get power back into people's hands and take the purse strings away from Congress.
Watercott is currently a truck driver but has been in retail, food service, warehousing, freelance water sports photography, computer design and custom builds, and security. In addition, he is a proud veteran with an interesting Army career. He started as a combat engineer then spent a couple of years with a supply unit. He also has experience as a third echelon small arms repairman. Watercott notes, "Everybody in Congress talks about serving their country. I've already served my country. Now I'm going to serve the people of North Carolina and my District. I'm not going to serve everybody else."
Watercott started considering a run for Congress in 2020, but he decided then that he did not have enough together. Now he believes he does.
Watercott believes that the challenge to making the FAIRtax happen is educating people about what the FAIRtax really is, how it lets people take back control, and how it takes the credit card away from Congress. It empowers you as a citizen.
Watercott reports that he has been following the FAIR tax for nearly twenty years, and he has been a strong supporter for close to ten of those years. His social media posts will bear out that support. So, when Watercott was asked to sign the FAIRtax pledge, he didn’t hesitate. He insists that the FAIRtax, along with a Balanced Budget Amendment and repealing the Sixteenth Amendment gets control back to the electorate where it belongs.
Ironically, Watercott used to be a fan of both the FAIRtax and the flat income tax until he saw how the FAIRtax got rid of the IRS while the flat tax didn’t. Watercott notes, "With the FAIRtax, if you as a citizen don't like what Congress is doing, you stop spending. If you stop spending, they get the message: 'Hey, we're doing something wrong.'"
When asked whether he had heard radio talk show host Neal Boortz talk about the FAIRtax, Watercott acknowledged that he had, but Kevin Rutherford on the Let’s Truck Channel was the first person he heard it from.
Watercott brings up the FAIRtax on the campaign trail along with the overall policy of giving control back to the citizenry and getting control of the federal budget back in their hands. In addition, Watercott has experience in addressing the fallacies surrounding the FAIRtax.
Asked about the typical reaction from people on the campaign trail, Watercott reports that it is mixed. Some are skeptical. He directs skeptics to the FAIRtax web page. Some say the FAIRtax is regressive, at which point Watercott emphasizes the Prebate. Some say that rich people will buy outside the jurisdiction. True, rich people can buy outside the jurisdiction but eventually pay the tax.
FAIRtax Guy Bob Scarborough tells Thomas Watercott that, whatever the outcome of his race, Watercott as a candidate will have a megaphone and can do much to get the word out.
Born in Alexandria, Virginia, at Fort Belvoir, Watercott frequently moved with his military family among Arizona, Minnesota, Southern California, back to Minnesota, spending summers in Wyoming. Watercott felt called to service in 1980, took the GED, and went into the Army. His scores were “too high.” He was released from military service before twenty years were up due to an injury in civilian life.

Watercott has lived in Greensboro, North Carolina, since 2004 with his wife. He has a stepdaughter and a stepson, who have brought him beautiful grandchildren. A granddaughter lives in Hollywood, California, and works as a screen editor for Steven Spielberg’s company. Watercott’s stepson has three children, two of whom are adopted orphans from Liberia. One of his grandsons is in information technology, and another grandson is in premed.
Thomas Watercott is running as a Libertarian in North Carolina’s Seventh Congressional District that Congressman Ted Budd is vacating to run for the U.S. Senate. The field consists of potentially eleven Republicans, nine of whom the Politics1 website considers active, and three Democrats and Watercott as a Libertarian.
You can watch Bob Scarborough’s interview with Thomas Watercott at This interview was in FAIRtax Guys Episode #295, aired in Podcast form on December 14, 2021.
Do you know somebody like Thomas Watercott? If so, I would love to hear from you.
Take Back Control!
Jim Bennett
AFFT Grassroots Coordinator & SecretaryThomas Watercott is a self-made man. Like many candidates running on the FAIRtax, he is a working man. Watercott and people like him are the FAIRtax’s most fervent proponents, dispelling the myth that the FAIRtax is a break for the rich. But, don’t think that being a working man makes Watercott an intellectual slouch. He’s not. When a military family move forced him to transfer from high school in Huntington Beach, California, to Minnesota, he placed out of all his entrance examinations. The school system ignored the tests and relegated him to his age group in the ninth grade. “Why did you bother testing me,” Watercott inquired, “if you were going to throw me back into ninth grade?”
Thomas Watercott started his political campaign in District Six in the Greensboro-Winston-Salem Area, but he has talked about moving to District 7. Watercott quips that he is currently in District 11, but that could change tomorrow unless the state finally finishes reapportionment. Our FAIRtax Guy Bob Scarborough caught up with Watercott at a Libertarian “watering hole,” a Waffle House in Kernersville, North Carolina. Here is what Bob learned:
Watercott sees this country going further into debt and not adopting policies that support our freedom. He wants to "Get the federal government out of every man's business and let us be us."
He sees the FAIRtax as a critical way to get power back into people's hands and take the purse strings away from Congress.
Watercott is currently a truck driver but has been in retail, food service, warehousing, freelance water sports photography, computer design and custom builds, and security. In addition, he is a proud veteran with an interesting Army career. He started as a combat engineer then spent a couple of years with a supply unit. He also has experience as a third echelon small arms repairman. Watercott notes, "Everybody in Congress talks about serving their country. I've already served my country. Now I'm going to serve the people of North Carolina and my District. I'm not going to serve everybody else."
Watercott started considering a run for Congress in 2020, but he decided then that he did not have enough together. Now he believes he does.
Watercott believes that the challenge to making the FAIRtax happen is educating people about what the FAIRtax really is, how it lets people take back control, and how it takes the credit card away from Congress. It empowers you as a citizen.
Watercott reports that he has been following the FAIR tax for nearly twenty years, and he has been a strong supporter for close to ten of those years. His social media posts will bear out that support. So, when Watercott was asked to sign the FAIRtax pledge, he didn’t hesitate. He insists that the FAIRtax, along with a Balanced Budget Amendment and repealing the Sixteenth Amendment gets control back to the electorate where it belongs.
Ironically, Watercott used to be a fan of both the FAIRtax and the flat income tax until he saw how the FAIRtax got rid of the IRS while the flat tax didn’t. Watercott notes, "With the FAIRtax, if you as a citizen don't like what Congress is doing, you stop spending. If you stop spending, they get the message: 'Hey, we're doing something wrong.'"
When asked whether he had heard radio talk show host Neal Boortz talk about the FAIRtax, Watercott acknowledged that he had, but Kevin Rutherford on the Let’s Truck Channel was the first person he heard it from.
Watercott brings up the FAIRtax on the campaign trail along with the overall policy of giving control back to the citizenry and getting control of the federal budget back in their hands. In addition, Watercott has experience in addressing the fallacies surrounding the FAIRtax.
Asked about the typical reaction from people on the campaign trail, Watercott reports that it is mixed. Some are skeptical. He directs skeptics to the FAIRtax web page. Some say the FAIRtax is regressive, at which point Watercott emphasizes the Prebate. Some say that rich people will buy outside the jurisdiction. True, rich people can buy outside the jurisdiction but eventually pay the tax.
FAIRtax Guy Bob Scarborough tells Thomas Watercott that, whatever the outcome of his race, Watercott as a candidate will have a megaphone and can do much to get the word out.
Born in Alexandria, Virginia, at Fort Belvoir, Watercott frequently moved with his military family among Arizona, Minnesota, Southern California, back to Minnesota, spending summers in Wyoming. Watercott felt called to service in 1980, took the GED, and went into the Army. His scores were “too high.” He was released from military service before twenty years were up due to an injury in civilian life.

Watercott has lived in Greensboro, North Carolina, since 2004 with his wife. He has a stepdaughter and a stepson, who have brought him beautiful grandchildren. A granddaughter lives in Hollywood, California, and works as a screen editor for Steven Spielberg’s company. Watercott’s stepson has three children, two of whom are adopted orphans from Liberia. One of his grandsons is in information technology, and another grandson is in premed.
Thomas Watercott is running as a Libertarian in North Carolina’s Seventh Congressional District that Congressman Ted Budd is vacating to run for the U.S. Senate. The field consists of potentially eleven Republicans, nine of whom the Politics1 website considers active, and three Democrats and Watercott as a Libertarian.
You can watch Bob Scarborough’s interview with Thomas Watercott at This interview was in FAIRtax Guys Episode #295, aired in Podcast form on December 14, 2021.
Do you know somebody like Thomas Watercott? If so, I would love to hear from you.
Take Back Control!
Jim Bennett
🇺🇸 Call For Pictures & WriteUps - When others see your activity, they are inspired, the process snowballs and Representatives, Senators and, yes, even the President start to listen to you and me. Please send your material to me at
🇺🇸 The Official FAIRtax Store - Don’t forget to order your FAIRtax gear from the FAIRtax Store.🇺🇸 We've Got You Covered, If You Let Us Know - If you are planning an event, we have event insurance coverage available for you. Email me the "who-what-where-when" and I will obtain for you a COI. Once the event is underway, it's too late.
🇺🇸 CPAC Finally, save the dates: February 24-27, 2022. Plan to be at the CPAC (“Conservative Political Action Conference) annual convention. We need to turn out in numbers. You don’t need to be a conservative to attend and help the FAIRtax. 1) Go to and sign up; and 2) once you do, let Bob Paxton know you did. Contact Bob at (352) 687-3428 or