Shiv Parihar is a student at Claremont McKenna College in Claremont, California (Los Angeles Area), with a remarkable story. In an article in The Salt Lake Tribune which appeared on September 5, 2023, he writes, “The most visceral moments of my life were spent drifting to sleep on a piece of cardboard. … My first night sleeping on the streets, I was a mere 8 years old. My family and I had immigrated to the United States from India six years prior, moving to join family on my American side in Salt Lake City after a brief stay in Albuquerque, which had spiraled into my first nights spent at a homeless shelter, and my first memories years prior.”
You can read The Salt Lake Tribune article here:
Shiv details numerous privations he experienced throughout those years and calls for the local government to focus more on non-market housing. But somehow, through grit and determination, he overcame those obstacles and was able to enroll in college. Shiv wrote the following short bio at our request. Pay attention to his observations about hard work and faith:
“Tenacity carried me every step of the way from homelessness to college and (hopefully) beyond. Looking for every opportunity, staying true to my principles, and putting in the hard work is indispensable. I was homeless, on and off, with my father between 2013 and 2015. Life with him, even afterwards, was always troubled. I have seen many others in similar situations give up the soulful fight to make your way in the world and decide that the deck is just too stacked against them. I've felt that way myself at times. But it simply isn't true. Hard work pays off. Showing up whenever you can for your neighbors matters. Faith--in your community, your God, your country, and your values--matters. I truly have come to believe in the good at the heart of every person.”
Shiv was already a supporter of the FAIRtax. When asked why, he wrote:
“I have always been interested in making government work as it should: by the people, of the people, and for the people. As any student of American history is aware, the income tax is a relatively recent innovation. It was ruled unconstitutional outside of emergency situations until the passage of the Sixteenth Amendment and writers such as Henry George harshly criticized it as a source of revenue on moral grounds as it took the hard earned pay checks of working Americans. I have seen how the income tax hurts hard working citizens at every level. The FairTax proposal, however, would remove this unequal burden on all Americans and move taxation to matters where Americans can self regulate.”
We admire Shiv’s in-depth analysis. His resume is more than impressive. It includes numerous campaigns such as Walker for Congress (field director), Rocky for Mayor (organizer), Jeff Howell for House (professional canvasser), and Mike Rogers for Senate (intern). Other roles included The Alexandria Review (assistant editor), the Mgrubian Center for Human Rights (student assistant), and Kravis Lab for Civic Leadership (Civic Dialogue Fellow). Volunteer experience includes Ben McAdams for Congress, Forward Party of Utah (Young Forwardists of America Director), Evan McMullin for Senate (volunteer), Eva-Lopez-Chavez for City Council (volunteer), and James Alfandre for City Council (volunteer).
Shiv started in Customer Service at Subway next to the Salt Palace in Salt Lake City and worked his way up.
Shiv has also published or interviewed for Utah Stories Magazine and KRCL’s Radio Active.
Shiv has been a genuine find. He contacted us on our website, and our California Team is reaching back.
If you know someone like Shiv, I would love to hear from you.---------------------------------------------------------
As a reminder, event insurance coverage is available, but you must let us know. Once the event is underway, it's too late. If you are planning an event, let me know the who, what, when, and where, and I will get you a certificate of insurance.---------------------------------------------------------
🇺🇸 Call For Pictures & WriteUps - We need more of you to send in pictures and news. If you have something to share, please send your material to me,, (908) 578-4975, or fax (908) 598-2888. When others see your activity, they are inspired, and the process snowballs. When the process snowballs, Congress Members, Senators, and even the President start to listen.