Editor’s note: Jim Bennett was invited to appear on a leaders' blog and, later, at a public meeting of the Christian Heritage Party of Canada (CHP) in the nation’s capital, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, on September 26, 2024, to be part of a presentation with David Darwin, the party’s Head of the Economics and Finance Department and National Secretary. The presentation was about the FAIRtax and its CHP policy equivalent. The CHP qualifies as a registered political party for listing by Elections Canada and features a version of the FAIRtax as part of its government program. David writes the following:
I want to thank Jim for this opportunity to inform you of the Christian Heritage Party of Canada’s (CHP) version of the FAIRtax. We have dubbed it the National Sales Tax, a/k/a, the Canadian Fair Tax.
In 2015, when the CHP’s Economics and Finance Department began a review of federal taxation policy, we became aware of the FAIRtax.org website and its rich content. The department’s 2018 report, Federal Government Taxation - A Review, stated, “CHP support of the Fair Tax as a means of raising federal government revenue continues to be merited.”
One big difference was a recommendation not to include the prebate concept. This was based on a desire to keep the taxation system with one focus - fund the federal government. Social payments aimed at addressing inequities would be part of a broader examination of social policy. At the 2021 National Convention, delegates affirmed their support for this approach.
Since the release of the 2018 report, I have had many opportunities to explain the intricacies of the policy proposal to CHP members, candidates, and the general public. Many people have said, “this policy is the CHP’s best kept secret.” Unfortunately, that’s true, despite efforts to make it better known.
Having Jim as a guest on the CHP leader’s blog and at a public meeting in Ottawa is one way we hope to awaken the public to this policy. As the report said: “It should be widely promoted as it would resonate with many Canadians.”
David Darwin
Head, Economics and Finance Department and National Secretary
CHP Canada.
David holds a Bachelor of Commerce Degree (Honours), majoring in Economics. His 34-year career in the federal public service covered financial management; executive support; strategic analysis; and managing. He also was a school board trustee for one term which included serving as chair of the management and strategic planning committees. He has served on numerous church, school, community and pro-life boards and councils. He has participated in politics at the school board, municipal, provincial or federal level for most of his adult life.
His interests include gardening, photography, canoeing, sailing and writing. David and Linda’s family includes three children and two grandsons
If you know of a FAIRtax movement outside the United States, I would love to hear about it.
As a reminder, event insurance coverage is available, but you must let us know. Once the event is underway, it's too late. If you are planning an event, let me know the who, what, when, and where, and I will get you a certificate of insurance.
AFFT Grassroots Coordinator & Secretary
🇺🇸 Call For Pictures & WriteUps - We need more of you to send in pictures and news. If you have something to share, please send your material to me, Jim.Bennett@FAIRtax.org, (908) 578-4975, or fax (908) 598-2888. When others see your activity, they are inspired, and the process snowballs. When the process snowballs, Congress Members, Senators, and even the President start to listen.
🇺🇸 The Official FAIRtax Store - Don’t forget to order your FAIRtax gear from the FAIRtax Store.
🇺🇸 We've Got You Covered, If You Let Us Know - If you are planning an event, we have event insurance coverage available for you. Email me the "who-what-where-when" and I will obtain for you a COI. Once the event is underway, it's too late.
🇺🇸 We've Got You Covered, If You Let Us Know - If you are planning an event, we have event insurance coverage available for you. Email me the "who-what-where-when" and I will obtain for you a COI. Once the event is underway, it's too late.