SPECIAL TOPIC: “Who is Americans for Fair Taxation?”.
The time is NOW. The 2016 Primaries have started and every advocate should be seeking events or candidate appearances near you to have FAIRtaxsm booths or tables at and spread the word, “No income tax for America”.
Join us;
WHEN: Thursday, Apr. 28, 2016
TIME: 8 p.m. Eastern, 7 p.m. Central, 6 p.m. Mountain, and 5 p.m. Pacific
WHERE: Anywhere your Personal Computer has internet access
This is a LIVE EVENT. You can ask questions, and all questions will be answered.
Be sure to invite new FAIRtaxsm supporters & prospects to participate with you. Send a webinar notice to your congressional representative’s offices inviting them to participate. Especially if they are not cosponsors.
Let them know we are serious about passing the FairTax® in 2017.
Our webinars are vital to educating honest tax payers. We help build the knowledge base of those on the front lines as well as those wanting to know what the FAIRtaxsm is about.
Join Marc Manieri, Host and Presenter of the “Understanding the FAIRtaxsm” webinar series.
NOTICE: To participate it is necessary to pre-register at this web link:
Watch for a confirmation email with instructions for logging on.
For additional information contact Larry Walters at repeal_16@earthlink.net.