Even when no primaries or elections are taking place, it is hard to penetrate the “noise” in D.C. In the mid 1990’s, I was privileged to meet with former Senator Russell Long. The son of the famous Huey Long, Senator Long was chairman of the Senate Finance Committee from 1966 until his retirement in 1986.
We met in Senator Long’s private office in D.C. He listened to my explanation of the benefits of a national retail sales tax replacing the present income tax system. He asked some questions showing not only that he listened to me but that he was very familiar with the national retail sales tax.
At the end of our meeting, with a twinkle in his eyes, the Senator said to me, “Steve, coming to D.C. and expecting Congress to do something because it is logical makes about as much sense as going to a monastery to meet girls. You have to get our attention with heat coming from our constituents. That is the only way that you will be heard.”
Peggy and I continue to go to D.C. and explain the FAIRtax, but it is very important that each of you contact your Members and their staffs, let them know how strongly you believe that they should meet with us to understand the FAIRtax, and then follow up with more calls to their offices to politely “demand” that they explain why they don’t support the only real tax reform—the FAIRtax.
We are going to D.C. on February 1, 2016
With your help we can make an even larger impact. Peggy does a great job of setting up appointments, and she will be even more productive with your help. Please contact Peggy at: Peggy.Green-Ernst@FairTax.org.
Volunteers At Work
Ron and Elaine Maiellaro, Florida FAIRtax Educational Association board members, and Allen Moss are showing each of us what a little bit of time can do. They have placed this sign on a highly traveled road in Florida. By getting the permission of the landowner, ordering a mini-billboard from the AFFT National Store and purchasing some lumber to which the signs are attached, you can help deliver news of the FAIRtax to tens of thousands of people. If you want to find out how easy it is contact Ron at ocalafairtax@icloud.com.

1040 Club
Although I sound like a broken record, we have to keep promoting the 1040 Club in order to not only make AFFT solvent but to show other donors that our members are willing to financially support AFFT.
At no time in the history of the FAIRtax have we had the opportunity we have now. We have a Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee who is a cosponsor. We have all of the Presidential candidates talking about the need for tax reform.
We need your help to maintain the basic operations of AFFT. We are not paying any salaries and most of us are even paying our own expenses. We have a relatively painless way for you to help.
To those of you not familiar with the 1040 Club, AFFT is asking people to contribute $10.40 per month to AFFT. This provides a steady funding platform and allows us to spend our time not trying to raise money but actually working with groups to help make passage of the FAIRtax a reality. Thanks to each of you who have joined the 1040 Club. You are ensuring that Americans For Fair Taxation can continue to promote the FAIRtax.
If you are not a member of the 1040 Club, or if you are a member but want to join for someone else, please go to this link and sign up.
FAIRtax Power Radio
Whether you’re a FAIRtax volunteer or an informed citizen who wishes to be better informed, we encourage you to listen to FAIRtax Power Radio, the online radio show that is available when you are. Bob and Ron just finished a series of three episodes interviewing Autry Pruitt, radio personality and AFFT Board Member. Here are the links:
FTPR 23 - http://bit.ly/1J0VBGQ
FTPR 24 - http://bit.ly/1l3fXDL
FTPR 25 - http://bit.ly/1ZYzDIJ
AFFT National LOGO Store and Scrolling Signs
The AFFT national store is operating and providing all of us with access to materials that help introduce the FAIRtax to others. Please click here to visit the store.
Thank You For Opening The FAIRtax Chronicles, Our Sponsored Mailings
We plan to do several of these mailings each month. If you take a minute to open the sponsored emails and click through to the website, you are making an in kind contribution to AFFT. It is not required to actually make a purchase, but your minute of time will ensure that AFFT is paid ever larger amounts from people paying for us to send their offers to our supporters.
Again, we are making every effort to ensure that we work with only reputable companies. If you feel that any FAIRtax-sponsored email is objectionable, please email us at info@fairtax.org and tell us why. You can also opt to not receive these sponsored email messages but still receive FAIRtax emails.
Thank you for staying FairTax strong!